The structure of the XML as svg can be found here: eso.svg
and created via .xsd:
View file | ||
If an element has the possible Integer values 0 and 1, 0 means false and 1 means true.
Elements which are not definable at upload time are put in brackets. (Those elements are added to the xml file when calling the Tyr-Service method "retrieveXML" and provide additional information about the processing of the envelope / document)
Complex types are defined in dedicated tables below and linked in the "Type" column.
<ESign> : Root-Element
ESign is the root element of the XML. (Java) classes can be created using a .xsd file. The file will be provided on request. Not all XML-elements are processed by websignatureOffice, but only by eSignatureOffice.
If the xml defines an envelope, only the elements marked green are used as children of <ESign>. The other elements will be defined for each document in ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.Documents.Document. If the xml defines a single document, the children of <ESign> are used.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<Window> | |||
<Signatures> | x | Contains the signature-field definitions. Possible Signature Types are <Signature>: The field is defined with a search item (<Placeholder>) within the pdf-file <DigSig>: The field is defined with a signature-filed within the pdf-file <Static>: The field is defined with coordinates | |
<FillInfo> | x | Contains a List of Name-Value Pairs to fill formfields within the pdf-document | |
<GUIMode> | |||
<SCSPath> | |||
<ReadBeforeSign> | |||
<DeviceKind> | |||
<BlindPadSearch> | |||
<PublicKey1Emulation> | |||
<SCS> | |||
<CorpCode> | |||
<Overlapped> | |||
<AfterSigning> | |||
<AfterCancel> | |||
<PDF> | x | base64 | base64 encoded PDF-file |
<PDFName> | x | String | name of the pdf shown in GUI. If no name is set, the name will be set dynamically: upload_2022-07-21_46669.pdf |
<TapToSign> | x | Integer 1/0 | "true" or "false" / "1" or "0" (false by default or if tag isn't defined). If TapToSign is "true" the signature fields can be activated/signed via clicking into the individual field within the iSignatureOffice or aSignatureOffice App (instead of clicking the start-signing button). |
<TapToSignOnly> | x | Integer 1/0 | If "1"/ "true" the pen icon (start signing button) in the Apps will be disabled and you need to click into the signature field to sign. |
<PdfNoBiodata> | x | If present, the method retrieveXml will fill the field with the base64 encoded pdf without biometric data. The document doesn't contain the certificates but pictures of the signatures. The <PDF> tag will still be filled with the signed document. See Condition.DocumentNoBiodata At upload time the field must be empty. | |
<DisableHelpButton> | |||
<DisableInfoButton> | |||
<ShowDialogPrintButton> | |||
<ShowFormFillButton> | |||
<HideSignControllButtons> | |||
<HideLcdSignButton> | |||
<DeviceKeys> | |||
<OpenResult> | |||
<LastMacroNumber> | |||
<MacroButtonHistory> | |||
<Macro1Upload> | |||
<Zoom> | |||
<ScrollInSignMode> | |||
<HashDialog> | |||
<Found> | |||
<Signed> | |||
<Output> | |||
<DeviceDetails> | tbd: not applicable at upload time | ||
<DueDate> | x | DateTime 2019-07-21 | This tag defines the expiration date of the signature request / envelope. Example: <DueDate>2019-07-21</DueDate> If <DueDate> is defined, <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> will be ignored. If neither <DueDate> <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> are defined, the expiration time is unlimited. If <DueDate> is in the past, no due date will be set. |
<DueDays>, <DueWeeks>, <DueMonths> | x | Integer | Tags are defining the expiration of the signature request / envelope. With setting a value in one of the three tags, the due date will be the date x days / weeks or months after the time of upload. The relevant value is always the next expected date. For example <DueDays> is set with the value 9 and <DueWeeks> is set with the value 1, the due date will be 7 days later (one week) If <DueDate> is defined, <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> will be ignored. If neither <DueDate> <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> are defined, the expiration time is unlimited. |
| |
| x |
Deprecated observer Definition. See <ObserverUser> below. | |
<ObserverUser> | x |
String (URL)
<UserName> | Contains an array of UserNames:
Sets observers for envelopes.. The observers can view the envelope, but have no signature-fields. If email notification is active, the observers will receive an email with the envelope-link. Possible values are a valid email adress or the userName (login) of an active user. | ||
<CallbackUrl> | x | String (URL) | Defines a callbackURL for the document. If not present, the default callbackURL (server settings) will be used. See e) Callback-API |
<DocumentPassword> | x | String | Defines a document password. |
If a user has to enter the password is defined in the <Signatures> Element. see <PasswordRequired>
NOTE: Document passwords are stored in plain text in visible for the document creator.
See <PasswordRequired> for details | |||
<SignatureGroups> | x | Contains a list of SignatureGroups. (If the xml is an envelope, signature groups can also be defined in ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.SignatureGroups.) | |
| deprecated |
<SignatureRequestEnvelope> | x | defines an Envelope which can contain several documents and download-conditions. | |
<AppAvailability> | x | Defines how long the signatureRequest / document is available in the app. <ActiveFrom>: Date from which the document is visible in the app <ActiveUntil>: Date until the document is visible in the app. (<DeleteOnServer> : deprecated) <AppAvailability> Document will be visible in app from 22/7/2022 till 25/7/2022 | |
<CryptoIDSelection> | |||
<SignatureOrder> | x | Defines in which order the users of the document/envelope have to sign. Contains a list of <SignaturePosition>. | |
<PasswordRequired> | List of users that have to enter the document password. |
<SignatureOrder> : Defining an order for the signatories
Anchor | ||||
Defines in which order the users of the document/envelope have to sign.
Each <SignaturePosition> contains a list of <UserName>. <UserName> can be the login name of a registered user or an email address.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<SignaturePosition> | x | Contains a list of <UserName> which defines the signatories on the given position. |
example | explanation |
| The document contains signatures for five users.
Note: Each user can only be set to one position. So "registeredUserLogin" and "registered_user2@example.com" are not the same users! |
<SignatureRequestEnvelope> : Several Documents and download conditions
Anchor | ||||
SignatureRequestEnvelopes group several signaturerequests. The envelopes can contain documents and download conditions. The user has to fullfill the condition before or after signing. The position of the document / condition inside the envelope is defined with the <Position> element. The <Position> element begin with position 1 (and 2, 3…).
If the xml contains an envelope, all <ESign> children which are not green, are defined for each document in ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.Documents.Document.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<EnvelopeName> | x | String | Defines the name of the envelope shown in the UI. If no name is provided, it will be generated: upload_2022-07-19 11:00:02.478 |
<OrderMandatory> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 (true) the download conditions must be fullfilled in the defined order in the xml. If 0 (false) the conditions can be fullfilled at any time. e.g.: If the envelope contains a signature request on position one and a download condition on position two, it's not possible to fullfill the download condition before signing if <OrderMandatory> is 1. field is mandatory. |
<SignatureGroups> | x | Contains a list of <SignatureGroup>s. If the XML is an envelope, the SignatureGroups can either be defined in ESign.SignatureGroups or ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.SignatureGroups. | |
<Documents> | x | Contains the documents of the envelopes. Most children elements of ESign are defined inside the <Document> element. | |
<Conditions> | x | Contains the download conditions of the envelope. |
<Conditions> : Download Conditions for users of a document
It's posible to set download conditions in a <SignatureRequestEnvelope>. The user has to download the document before or after signing.
The element <Conditions> contains a list of one or more <Condition> elements.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description | ||||||
<Position> | x | Integer | The Position of the condition inside the document. Positions are defined for each condition and document in the envelope. | ||||||
<ConditionType> | x | String | only possible value is "download" | ||||||
<PDF> | x | base64 | A pdf file encoded in base64 to download. Alternativley <DocumentFromPosition> can be defined. | ||||||
<PDFName> | x | String | name of the document to download. | ||||||
<DocumentFromPosition> | x | Integer | Defines which document should be downloaded to fullfill the condition. Necessary if <PDF> is not defined. | ||||||
| x | Integer 1/0 | Defines if the document should be downloaded with or without the biodata If 1 (true) the downloaded document just contains a pictures of the signatures with the text "copy"/"Kopie" but no certificate and no biodata (signature data). | ||||||
<InfoText> | x | String | a text shown, when the download popup appears. |
<ShowInViewer> | x | Integer 1/0 | If true (1) the download condition with a preview image of the pdf is shown in the viewer. |
<SignatureGroupName> | x | String | Defines which signatureGroup has to fullfill the download condition. |
<UserName> | x | String | Login name of a registered user or an email address. Defines which technical user has to fullfill the download condition. |
<AfterSigning> | |||
(<finished> / <FinishedXmlDateTime>) | (x) | When a condition is finished and the method retrieveXML is called, <finished> and <FinishedXmlDateTime> will be added to the returned XML. Not applicable at upload time. | |
<Documents> : The documents of a <SignatureRequestEnvelope>
Anchor | ||||
<Documents> contains a list of <Document> elements. The defined documents are shown in the envelope.
A document can be defined in a download condition (<DocumentFromPosition>).
XML-Element | webso | Type / example | description |
<Position> | x | Integer | Position of the document inside the signatureRequestEnvelope |
<PDF> | x | base64 | base64 encoded PDF file |
<Signatures> | x | Contains the signature-field definitions. Possible Signature Types are <Signature>: The field is defined with a Placeholder within the pdf-file <DigSig>: The field is defined with a signature-filed within the pdf-file <Static>: The field is defined with coordinates | |
<PDFName> | x | String | name of the pdf shown in GUI. If no name is set, the name will be set dynamically: upload_2022-07-21_46669.pdf |
<FillInfo> | x | Contains a List of Name-Value Pairs to fill formfields within the pdf-document | |
<TapToSign> | x | Boolean | "true" or "false" / "1" or "0" (false by default or if tag isn't defined). If TapToSign is "true" the signature fields can be activated/signed via clicking into the individual field within the iSignatureOffice or aSignatureOffice App (instead of clicking the start-signing button). |
<TapToSignOnly> | x | Boolean | If "1"/ "true" the pen icon (start signing button) in the Apps will be disabled and you need to click into the signature field to sign. |
(<PdfNoBiodata>) | x | If present, the method retrieveXml will fill the field with the base64 encoded pdf without biometric data. The document doesn't contain the certificates but pictures of the signatures. The <PDF> tag will still be filled with the signed document. See Condition.DocumentNoBiodata Doesn't need to be filled at upload time. | |
<Signed> | |||
<OutPut> | |||
| x | DateTime 2019-07-21 | Deprecated: The DueDate for a signature request / envelope should be defined as a child of <ESign>! This tag defines the expiration date of the signature request. Example: <DueDate>2019-07-21</DueDate> If <DueDate> is defined, <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> will be ignored. If neither <DueDate> <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> are defined, the expiration time is one week. |
| x | Integer | Deprecated: The DueDate for a signature request / envelope should be defined as a child of <ESign>! Tags are defining the expiration of the signature request. With setting a value in one of the three tags, the due date will be the date x days / weeks or months after the time of upload. The relevant value is always the next expected date. For example <DueDays> is set with the value 9 and <DueWeeks> is set with the value 1, the due date will be 7 days later (one week) If <DueDate> is defined, <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> will be ignored. If neither <DueDate> <DueDays> <DueWeeks> and <DueMonths> are defined, the expiration time is one week. |
<MandatorySkippable> | x | Integer 1/0 | If set to 1 (true) mandatory fields can be skipped. This optional tag defines, if mandatory signature fields are skippable (value 1) or not (value 0). If no value is set or tag is not defined, mandatory signature fields are not skippable. |
Deprecated |
<CallbackUrl> | x | String (URL) | Defines a callbackURL for the document. If not present, the default callbackURL (server settings) will be used. See e) Callback-API |
Deprecated. Use <PasswordRequired> instead.
| |||
| deprecated |
<Signatures> : Signature field definitions
Anchor | ||||
With <Signatures> signature fields in documents are defined. All signatures are children of the <Signatures> element.
common xml elements in <Static>, <Signature> and <DigSig>:
XML-Element | webso | Type / example | description | |
| Deprecated password definition. See <PasswordRequired> below
The <DocumentPassword> is defined globally.
Note: The first appearence of <PasswordRequired> in the signature fields of a distinct user defines whether the user has to enter a password. eg:
A user has three signature fields.
In the first field <PasswordRequired> is not defined, in the second field it is "1", in the third field it is "0" → password is required
In the first field <PasswordRequired> is not defined, in the second field it is "0", in the third field it is "1" → password is NOT required
In the first field <PasswordRequired> is "1", in the second field it is not defined, in the third field it is "1" → password is required
<PasswordRequired> isn't defined in any field → password is required
When the method retrieveXML is called and the field is signed, the element is set to 1.
<Signed> can't be set at upload time.
Is an optional field indicating that signature field is mandatory.
<Mandatory>1</Mandatory> means mandatory field
<Mandatory>0</Mandatory> means optional field
If no value is set, the field is optional.
Stamp can be:
the image can be omitted, then only a text is added defined. Line breaks are defined with "\r\n".
only an image can be defined
if both image and text are defined, then the text is added to the stamp image and overlayed upon the signature
If <SignatureType> value of the signature element is 0, a stamp creation without signature will be set, otherwise it's a combination of stamp and signature.
A stamp can't be defined for digitalStamp (<SignatureType>1) because the stamp image including the email address or username of the signee is generated automatically.
Login name of a registered user or an email address. Defines which technical user has to sign the field.
If no <UserName> is defined, a self-sign field (for own/ xml-upload user) is set.
If the email adress doesn't belong to a registered user a guest user will be created.
Can be used to set the reason for the signature which will be visible in the pdf certificate.
The available values are:
*0 = stamp data (text/image) without signature
1 = digital stamp (signature with user certificate instead of hand-written signature)
2 = html-signer signature only
3 = pad signature only
4 = app / phone / tablet signature only (QR code, link, sms)
If no signature type is defined, a selection window appears.
The signer can choose between following types: StepOver signature pad OR one of our apps OR HTML-signer (with a pen or your finger on your mobile device)
The behaviour of the document viewer after clicking "sign now" for the different <SignatureType>s are shown below:
please note: If a SigatureGroup is defined, the signatureType will be ignored.
The name of the <SignatureGroup>
Defines the displayed / zoomed signature field width (in cm) for signatures with HTML signer (and with apps)
With this tag you can define if user have to enter a auto-generated SMS token before entering the document (two factor authentication).
The SmsToken element has to be part of the <Signature> / <DigSig> / <Static> element and requires following parameters:
<Number>: the mobile number excluding the phone code / country code
<PhoneCode>: the international phone code of the mobile number according to iso 3166-1 alpha 2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ).
('DE' for Germany, 'US' for United States, 'GB' for Great Britain, etc.)
You can only set one <SmsToken> element for each <Signature> / <DigSig> / <Static> element and only one <SmsToken> element for each signatory (defined via <UserName> for other user or self-sign fields).
Means if you have more than one signature elements for the same user within the XML, only the last set number and phone code will be defined for the signatory.
Defines what options are shown in the Phone/Tablet overlay:
The child elements <OptionQRCode>, <OptionLink> and <OptionSMS> have the values 0 or 1.
Note: If SignatureType is not 4 (handwritten), <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> will be ignored.
<Signature> : Intelligent signature field definition
<Signature> fields use <PlaceHolders> to define the position of the signature fields in the pdf. A placeholder is a string/text in the pdf.
The placeholder for the intelligent signature placement. The placeholder is a string inside the pdf document.
If several strings are found, a signature field will be placed for every occurence.
The top left corner of the placeholder is the top left corner of the signature field. The field can be displaced with Offset_X and Offset_Y.
Width of the field in cm.
Height of the field in cm.
Filter the signature by the number they are found inside the document.
Although the element is defined for all signature definitions, it's only applicable for <Signature>.
(<Signed>) | When the method retrieveXML is called and the field is signed, the element is set to 1. <Signed> can't be set at upload time. | |||||
<Mandatory> | x | Integer 1/0 | Is an optional field indicating that signature field is mandatory. <Mandatory>1</Mandatory> means mandatory field <Mandatory>0</Mandatory> means optional field If no value is set, the field is optional. | |||
<Textblock> | ||||||
<Zoom> | ||||||
<Stamp> | x | Stamp can be:
If <SignatureType> value of the signature element is 0, a stamp creation without signature will be set, otherwise it's a combination of stamp and signature. A stamp can't be defined for digitalStamp (<SignatureType>1) because the stamp image including the email address or username of the signee is generated automatically. | ||||
<Signer> | ||||||
<UserName> | x | String | Login name of a registered user or an email address. Defines which technical user has to sign the field. If no <UserName> is defined, a self-sign field (for own/ xml-upload user) is set. If the email adress doesn't belong to a registered user a guest user will be created. | |||
<Reason> | x | String | Can be used to set the reason for the signature which will be visible in the pdf certificate. | |||
<SignatureType> | x | Integer | The available values are: The signer can choose between following types: StepOver signature pad OR one of our apps OR HTML-signer (with a pen or your finger on your mobile device) Detailed Description: https://stepoverinfo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WEBSO/pages/181960712/j+ESign+Input+XML#4.-Defining-the-%E2%80%9Csignature-type%E2%80%9D-%3CSignatureType%3E please note: If a SigatureGroup is defined, the signatureType will be ignored. | |||
<SignatureGroupName> | x | String | The name of the <SignatureGroup> | |||
| Deprecated!
| |||
| x | Deprecated: SmsTokens are defined in the <ESign>.<SmsTokens> element. See https://stepoverinfo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PAF/pages/edit-v2/126484481#%3CSmsTokens%3E%3A-MFA-sms-envelope-protection
| ||||
<SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> | x | Defines what options are shown in the Phone/Tablet overlay: The child elements <OptionQRCode>, <OptionLink> and <OptionSMS> have the values 0 or 1. Note: If SignatureType is not 4 (handwritten), <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> will be ignored. |
<Signature> : Intelligent signature field definition
<Signature> fields use <PlaceHolders> to define the position of the signature fields in the pdf. A placeholder is a string/text in the pdf.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description | ||
<Placeholder> | x | String | The placeholder for the intelligent signature placement. The placeholder is a string inside the pdf document. If several strings are found, a signature field will be placed for every occurence. The top left corner of the placeholder is the top left corner of the signature field. The field can be displaced with Offset_X and Offset_Y. | ||
<Width> | Decimal | Width of the field in cm. | |||
<Height> | Decimal | Height of the field in cm. | |||
<FilterSignature> | x | Filter the signature by the number they are found inside the document. Although the element is defined for all signature definitions, it's only applicable for <Signature>. <FilterSignature>Begin:End;</FilterSignature> <FilterSignature>Begin:End;Begin2:End2;</FilterSignature> Note: If <FilterSignature> is defined, <FilterPage> will be ignored. Sample: <FilterSignature>1:1;</FilterSignature> (only first appareance) <FilterSignature>1:3;</FilterSignature> (1, 2 and 3 appareance) <FilterSignature>1:1;5:6;</FilterSignature> (1, 5 and 6 appareance) <FilterSignature>3:-1;</FilterSignature> (3 until last appareance) <FilterSignature>-2:-1;</FilterSignature> (second to last and last appareance)
Signature fields are only created for the last three placeholder matches. | |||||
<FilterPage> | x | String | Filter the signature by the pages, which means you can define on which pages the signature should be offered to the signer. Although the element is defined for all signature definitions, it's only applicable for <Signature>. Sample: <FilterPage>1:1;</FilterPage> (only first page appareance) <FilterPage>1:3;</FilterPage> (1, 2 and 3 page appareance) <FilterPage>1:1;5:6;</FilterPage> (1, 5 and 6 page appareance) <FilterPage>3:-1;</FilterPage> (3 until last page appareance) <FilterPage>-2:-1;</FilterPage> (second to last page and last page appareance) Note: If <FilterSignature> is defined, <FilterPage> will be ignored.
Signature fields are only created on page two and three. | |||
<DisplacementTLIndex> | |||
<FeldPositionIndex> | |||
<Page> | |||
<X> | |||
<Y> | |||
<Offset_X> | x | Decimal | Horizontal displacement of the signature field in cm. If offset is positive, the field will be moved right. |
<Offset_Y> | x | Decimal | Vertical displacement of the signature field in cm. If offset is positive, the field will be moved down. |
<RectPosX> | |||
<RectPosY> | |||
<BeforeSignConfirmation> | |||
<Location> | |||
<Background> | |||
<FrameColor> | |||
<FrameThickness> |
<Static> : static signature field definition
Static signature fields are defined by coordinates (in cm) on the given pdf page.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<Page> | x | Integer | The page of the signature field. |
<X> | x | Decimal | The horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the signature field. |
<Y> | x | Decimal | The vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the signature field. |
<Height> | x | Decimal | The height of the signature field. |
<Width> | x | Decimal | The width of the signature field. |
<RectPosX> | |||
<RectPosY> |
<DigSig> : Using pdf signature fields
<DigSig> fields use signature fields which are allready defined in the pdf. <FieldName> corresponds to the name of the signature field of the pdf.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<FieldName> | x | String | The name of the digital signature in the pdf document |
<Stamp> : Add an image or text to a signature
Anchor | ||||
Stamp can be:
the image can be omitted, then only a text is added defined. Line breaks are defined with "\r\n".
only an image can be defined
if both image and text are defined, then the text is added to the stamp image and overlayed upon the signature
stamp Definition (without <Image>):
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<Text> | x | String | The stamp text. If not set, only the image will be set. the text lines can contain the time and date of signature, the format is defined using strftime semantics http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strftime.3.html (Because of time conversion it is not possible to use "%" as a single character in the stamp text; e.g. "%h %% %F" won't be processed correctly). New line can be entered with \r\n symbols. |
<Color> | HEX | Color of the text. The default color is "000000" (black). The value is a string containing rgb values in hex (two bytes per value, 0-255), i.e. red would be ff0000, green 00ff00, blue 0000ff | |
<Font> | |||
<Size> | |||
<TextWidth> | x | Integer | Text rectangle width in cm. |
<TextHeight> | x | Integer | Text rectangle height in cm. |
<Text_X> | x | Integer | Horizontal position of the upper left corner of the text rectangle in cm. |
<Text_Y> | x | Integer | Vertical position of the upper left corner of the text rectangle in cm. |
<Image> | x | base64 | The base64 stamp image. If not present only the text will be set. |
<Position> | x | Integer | position defines the position of the stamp in the signature: 1 | 2 | 3 center would be 5, 4 left, 9 lower right corner etc. |
<Offset_X> | Integer | Horizontal offset of the image / text rectangle from the defined <Position> in cm. The stamp should never be cut off, the image should be scaled if necessary to prevent this (keeping ratio). The offset can be negative. | |
<Offset_Y> | Integer | Vertical offset of the image / text rectangle from the defined <Position> in cm. The stamp should never be cut off, the image should be scaled if necessary to prevent this (keeping ratio). The offset can be negative. |
<SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> : Define which options are shown to share a link when signing with smartphone/tablet.
Anchor | ||||
<SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> can either be defined for a single Signature or for SignatureGroups.
The SignatureType must be 4 (remote signature)
Defining in SignatureGroup
If OptionSMS is true, a phone number can be defined. A SMS will be send with a link to the document.
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<OptionQRCode> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 QRCode option is shown |
<OptionLink> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 link option is shown |
<OptionSMS> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 sms option is shown. |
<Number> | x | Integer | Can be set if <OptionSMS> is 1. If <OptionSMS> is 0, it will be ignored. Defines the phone number for the sms link without the country code. |
<PhoneCode> | x | String | Can be set if <OptionSMS> is 1. If <OptionSMS> is 0, it will be ignored. Defines the country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ) |
<SignatureGroups> contains a list of <SignatureGroup>
It can either be defined under ESign.SignatureGroups or ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.SignatureGroups.
All fields of a SignatureGroup belong to the same user.
<SignatureGroups> overwrite the order of the signatures: All fields in the first groups are signed first, then the fields of the second group etc.
Note: If SignatureGroups are used, the document must contain only one technical user!
Defines the name of the signatureGroup. (mandatory)
defines if the signatureTypePopup is shown.
If 1 (true), the signatureTypePopup will be shown.
Note: If <ShowSignatureTypePopUp> is true, <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> must be defined! (see below)
With the tag <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> and it's child tags
<SelectionPad>, <SelectionPhoneTablet>, <SelectionDisplay> (all int's with 1 or 0 values)
the SignatureTypePopUp can be defined showing all or just some of the signature type selections.
If <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> is not set, no SignatureTypePopUp will be shown.
If <ShowSignatureTypePopUp> is not set or 0, <ShowSignatureTypePopUp> will be ignored.
tbd: If <SignatureGroup> with <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> is defined, the <SignatureType> in <Signatures> value will be ignored!
The Element <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> defines which signing options are presented for each individual <SignatureGroup> when clicking on "sign now".
It is mandatory, if SignatureGroup.ShowSignatureTypePopUp is 1 (true).
example | explanation | |
A <Signature> is defined with the width 4cm and height 2cm without <SignatureGroup>.
The SignatureType is 4 = Phone/Tablet.
When clicking on "sign now" the Popup appears with the QR-code to scan and the tab to send a SMS containing a link to the document to the given number.
<FillInfo> contains a List of <FillEntry>.
If the xml defines a single document, <FillInfo> is defined at ESign.FillInfo.
If the xml defines a <SignatureRequestEnvelope> <FillInfo> is defined for each document of the envelope at ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.Documents.Document.FillInfo
The name (identifier in the pdf) of the pdf formfield.
The value to be set for the formfield.
sets the value of text field with identifier "Text1" to "foo"
clears the value of text field with identifier "Text2"
sets the value of the radiobutton-group with identifier "RadioButton5" to "Yes"
checks the checkbox with the identifier "Checkbox4"
unchecks the checkbox with the identifier "Checkbox3"
sets the value of radiobutton-group with identifier "Optionsfeld1" to "Ja"
sets the value of dropdown list with identifier "Kombinationsfeld3" to "Option3".
The identifiers and values can be defined in Adobe Acrobate or other PDF creation software.
The values can be changed in the viewer.
Observers can't change formfield values.
With the server setting formfields_writable_for_others=false you can prohibit editing formfields in the viewer by other users.
| A <Signature> is defined with the width 4cm and height 2cm without <SignatureGroup>. The SignatureType is 4 = Phone/Tablet. When clicking on "sign now" the Popup appears with the QR-code to scan and the tab to send a SMS containing a link to the document to the given number. |
<Qes>: Qualified electronic signatures
Qualified electronic signatures (QES) are defined within the <QES>
element. This element contains a list of <QesUser>
entries. Each <QesUser>
element provides the user's signature details, including email, phone number, and phone code/country code.
The user is referenced in the signature field by the <UserName>
<Qes>: List of QES signatories
XML-Element | webso | Type | description | ||
<QesUser> | x | List of <QesUser> | QES definition of a signer:
<QesUser>: QES definition for signer
XML-Element | webso | Type | description | ||
<QesProviderId> | x | Integer | The id of the qes service provider. Either <QesProviderId> or <QesProvider> must be provided. | ||
<QesProvider> | x | String | The name of the qes service. Either <QesProviderId> or <QesProvider> must be provided. example:
| ||
<UserName> | x | String | The UserName. It is used to map the Qes data of the user to the signature fields. |
Code Block |
</ESign> |
<SmsTokens>: MFA sms envelope protection
When a <SmsToken> is defined for a user, a sms is sent to user containing a one-time token, when opening a protected envelope. The user has to enter the token, to access the envelope. The <SmsTokens> element contains a list of <SmsToken>, which contains the information for the specified user. The user is referenced by the <UserName> element.
<SmsTokens>: List of <SmsToken> definitions
XML-Element | webso | Type | description | ||
<SmsTokens> | x | List of <SmsToken> | SmsToken definition of a signer:
<SmsToken>: sms protection definition for signer
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<UserName> | x | String | The UserName. It is used to map the sms protection data of the user to the signature fields. |
<Number> | x | Number | The phone number without country code. e.g.: 173 123 123 |
<PhoneCode> | x | String | The international phone code of the mobile number according to iso 3166-1 alpha 2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ). e.g. “de” for Germany |
Code Block |
</ESign> |
<FillInfo> : Filling PDF-formfields
Anchor | ||||
<FillInfo> contains a List of <FillEntry>.
If the xml defines a single document, <FillInfo> is defined at ESign.FillInfo.
If the xml defines a <SignatureRequestEnvelope> <FillInfo> is defined for each document of the envelope at ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.Documents.Document.FillInfo
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<Name> | x | String | The name (identifier in the pdf) of the pdf formfield. |
<Value> | x | String | The value to be set for the formfield. |
example | explanation | ||
The identifiers and values can be defined in Adobe Acrobate or other PDF creation software. The values can be changed in the viewer. Note:
<SignatureGroups> : Grouping signature fields
Anchor | ||||
<SignatureGroups> contains a list of <SignatureGroup>
It can either be defined under ESign.SignatureGroups or ESign.SignatureRequestEnvelope.SignatureGroups.
All fields of a SignatureGroup belong to the same user.
<SignatureGroups> overwrite the order of the signatures: All fields in the first groups are signed first, then the fields of the second group etc.
Note: If SignatureGroups are used, the document must contain only one technical user!
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<SignatureGroupName> | x | String | Defines the name of the signatureGroup. (mandatory) |
<ShowSignatureTypePopUp> | x | Integer 1/0 | defines if the signatureTypePopup is shown. If 1 (true), the signatureTypePopup will be shown. Note: If <ShowSignatureTypePopUp> is true, <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> must be defined! (see below) |
<ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> | x | With the tag <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> and it's child tags <SelectionPad>, <SelectionPhoneTablet>, <SelectionDisplay> (all int's with 1 or 0 values) the SignatureTypePopUp can be defined showing all or just some of the signature type selections. Note:
| |
<SignatureFieldColor> |
<ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> : Define which signing options are presented in SignatureGroups
Anchor | ||||
The Element <ShowSignatureTypePopUpDetails> defines which signing options are presented for each individual <SignatureGroup> when clicking on "sign now".
It is mandatory, if SignatureGroup.ShowSignatureTypePopUp is 1 (true).
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
<SelectionPad> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 the option "SIGNATURE PAD" is shown |
<SelectionDisplay> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 the option "ON THIS DISPLAY" is shown. |
<SelectionPhoneTablet> | x | Integer 1/0 | If 1 the option "SMARTPHONE/TABLET" is shown. If <SelectionPhoneTablet> is 1, it is possible to further define which methods are shown to share the link after clicking "Smartphone/Tablet" with <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> (see below) |
<SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> | x | If <SelectionPhoneTablet> is 1, you can further define the methods to send the viewer link with <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails>. Possible options are Link, QR-Code and SMS (with phone number definition). <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> is described in Section Signatures. |
<PasswordRequired>: Define password protection
Anchor | ||||
A password protection for envelopes and documents can be defined with the <PasswordRequired> element. The protection can be set individually for every user. The users must be referenced by the username or email which is used in the signature field definition.
Code Block |
</ESign> |
XML-Element | webso | Type | description |
If 1 the option "SIGNATURE PAD" is shown
If 1 the option "ON THIS DISPLAY" is shown.
If 1 the option "SMARTPHONE/TABLET" is shown.
If <SelectionPhoneTablet> is 1, it is possible to further define which methods are shown to share the link after clicking "Smartphone/Tablet" with <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> (see below)
If <SelectionPhoneTablet> is 1, you can further define the methods to send the viewer link with <SelectionPhoneTabletDetails>.
Possible options are Link, QR-Code and SMS (with phone number definition).
<SelectionPhoneTabletDetails> is described in Section Signatures<PasswordRequired> | x | List of <UserName> | The <PasswordRequired> element contains a list of <UserName>. Every user in |
<UserName> | x | string | Defines which users have to enter the password. |
<DocumentPassword> | x | string | The password of the document or envelope. |