


Delphi (DLL)
function SetSimpleDialogResourceText(ResourceText: PAnsiChar; XPos,YPos: Integer; Color,Background:Integer; WPARAM: integer ):integer;register;

C/C++ (DLL)
__stdcall int SOPAD_SetSimpleDialogResourceText(char *ResourceText, int XPos, int YPos, int Color, int Background, int WParam);

HRESULT _stdcall SetSimpleDialogResourceText([in] BSTR ResourceText, [in] long XPos, [in] long YPos, [in] long Color, [in] long Background, [in] long WParam, [out, retval] long* Result);


draw an Text ( Max Length 53 characters ) at pixel position X,Y on the device.

Note: You have to activate a Font before you call this function.


ResourceText: String; 

e.g.  "Hello World!"

XPos: integer

X Position of the left upper corner of the display position

YPos: integer

Y Position of the left upper corner of the display position

Color: integer

BGR value

Background: integer

BGR value


not used yet


The value for the Color is a 32 Bit integer in BGR Format (in Delphi TColor):

Bit 31-24 always 0

Bit 23-16 Blue Value 0 - 255

Bit 15-08 Green Value 0 - 255

Bit 07-00 Red Value 0 - 255

If you want a transparent font background colour, you need to set for the font colour and the font backcolour the same value.

Return value

SetSimpleDialogResourceText returns (SOPAD_ERROR_SUCCESS = 0) if it was possible to cache the settings.
Otherwise the function returns the appropriate error code. You can get extended error code with the help of GetSOPadError call.

Possible error codes are listed below: Driver error codes


//  Upload Images to the Device (to shadow framebuffer, which means they not dirctly visible)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceImage("", RessourcePath + "background.png", 0, 0, 0);

//  Select a font resource
int fontStatus = SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceFont("arial14.sof", "", 0);
//  Set Text, Placement and Colour (Sample:  Red=0x000000FF, Blue=0x00FF0000, Green=0x0000FF00, Yellow=0x0000FFFF)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceText("This is a Test", 100, 300, 0x000000FF, 0x00FF0000, 0); // Red Text on Blue Background
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceText("Another Text", 100, 330, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, 0);   // Red Text on Transparent Background

//  Update Screen (with all images which are loaded to shadow framebuffer)
int displayOptionStatus = SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(1, 0);
//  Upload Images to the Device (to shadow framebuffer, which means they not dirctly visible)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceImage('', RessourcePath + 'background.png', 0, 0, 0);

//  Select a font resource
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceFont('arial14.sof', '', 0);
//  Set Text, Placement and black Text Colour and transparent Background color 
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceText('This is a Test', 100, 300, clRed , clBlue, 0); // Red Text on Blue Background
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceText('Another Text',   100, 330, clRed , clRed,  0); // Red Text on Transparent Background

//  Update Screen (with all images/texts which are loaded to shadow framebuffer)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(1, 0);

See also


