function GetSOPadError: Integer;
SOPAD_API int SOPAD_GetSOPadError();
HRESULT GetSOPadError([out, retval] long* ErrorCode);
Some functions return a boolean result and set extended error code in internal variable. This function returns that error code.
The following functions can set error code:
- setPadSettings
- startCapture
- startRead
Return value
Error code set by previous function call.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | SOPAD_ERROR_SUCCESS | No error occurred |
1 | SOPAD_ERROR_SET_MODE_FAILED | Setting of viewing mode failed (due to open state ?) |
2 | SOPAD_ERROR_KEYS_REQUIRED | Pad command requires Admin privileges |
6 | SOPAD_ERROR_DEVICE_FILTERED_OUT | Device type is not supported because of the filter option in PadSettings |
7 | SOPAD_ERROR_DEVICE_OPENED | Device is opened or battery low |
8 | SOPAD_ERROR_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY | Encryption failed because of not matching key pair, or worng format |
9 | SOPAD_ERROR_SECURITY_RESTRICTION | Attached pad cannot be accepted because too strict globSecurityLevel is assigned |
10 | SOPAD_ERROR_SIGNATUR_PROCESS | Starting of signature capturing failed. Could be caused by multiple reasons. |
11 | SOPAD_ERROR_KEY_GENERATOR | Generation of the Key pair (emulation mode) failed |
12 | SOPAD_ERROR_FNC_FAILED | Pad command failed |
13 | SOPAD_ERROR_FNC_NOT_SUPPORTED | Pad command not supported for this Device generation |
14 | SOPAD_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | Device type described by Padsetting string not found; may be it is not connected |
15 | SOPAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | resource file not found |