


function   DecryptSignatureBiodata(RandomKey:AnsiString; EncryptedBiodata: AnsisTring; var OutLen : integer) :pointer;


SOPAD_API VOID* SOPAD_DecryptSignatureBiodata(char *RandomKey, char *EncryptedBiodata, int *OutLen) ;


 HRESULT _stdcall DecryptSignatureBiodata([in] BSTR RandomKey, [in] BSTR EncryptedBiodata, [out, retval] BSTR* Result);



Decrypt the biometric data with the decrypted AESKey (see DecryptSignatureAESKey)

This function can only by used with biometric pads, as the standard pads have a secure notarykey.



string RandomKey,  encoded as hex-string

string EncryptedBiodata,

Return value

returns the decrypted Biodata as the stepover Biodata-format



C# Sample to collect signature raw data and how to decrypt them
private string GetFileContentAsString(String FileName, bool asHexString) 
	string result = "";
	if (!asHexString)
		result = File.ReadAllText(FileName);
		byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(FileName);
		result = BitConverter.ToString(fileBytes);
		result = result.Replace("-", "");

	return result;
// function to collect all signature data
private void getSignature()
	SigDev.startCapture(cert, true, true, true, true, ref padSetting);
	//  wait for 2 sec for signing
	//  Save SignImage
	System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("signature.bmp", (byte[])SigDev.ReadHighResBitmap(1));

	//  Collect encrypted Biodata
	string biodata = "";
	SigDev.getBiodataString(ref biodata);

	System.IO.File.WriteAllText("biodata.bin", biodata);
	// some arbitrary preliminary document hash, should be generated of the signing content in that case its a dummy value  
	byte[] prelimHash = {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0};

	// save preliminary document hash (better way is not to save it and recreate it from the signed data).
	System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("prelimHash.bin", prelimHash);

	//  Send preliminary document hash to Device

	//  Collect and Save EncryptedAES Key from Device
	System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("encryptedAesKey.bin", (byte[])SigDev.GetEncryptedAesKey());

	//  Stop Signmode, Pad will switch to Standby again
// function to decrypt biodata with raw data  		
private void DecryptBiometricdata() 
	string notarykey = "private4096.txt";
	string biodata = GetFileContentAsString("biodata.bin", false);
	string aeskey = GetFileContentAsString("encryptedAesKey.bin", true);
	string dochash = GetFileContentAsString("prelimHash.bin", true);

	string randomkey = SigDev.DecryptSignatureAESKey(aeskey, dochash, notarykey);
	string decryptedBiodata = SigDev.DecryptSignatureBiodata((randomkey), biodata);

	Console.WriteLine("btnDecryptBiodataClick done.");
	Console.WriteLine("btnDecryptBiodataClick randomkey=" + (randomkey));
	Console.WriteLine("btnDecryptBiodataClick decryptedBiodata=" + decryptedBiodata);