

If you plan not to use the Setup, you can see which Files are nessecary and which are only Optional. Registy Entrys are not nessecary.

changelog.txtSomeinfos about the last updatesno
CibDataCsv.dllPDF Libraryyes
CibPdf32.dllPDF Libraryyes
CibXalan.dllPDF Libraryyes
custom.bmpLogo for old serialpadsno
*.lngLanguage Files for (German=d, Spain=es, Englisch=gb..)only gb.lng
EseSigOffice.CHMold Spain helpfileno
eSO-4-Anleitung.pdfGerman helpfileno
eSO-4-Manual_EN.pdfEnglish helpfileno
eSO-4-Manual_ES.pdfSpain helpfileno
IniGen.exe yes
libeay32.dllencryption libraryyes
PadLogo.bmpLogo for old serialpadsno
PDFForm.dllPDF Libraryyes
PLeSigOffice.chmold Polish helpfileno
SetupFinished.exe no
SilentRegister.exe yes
SOSecureSign.ocxOCX Version for integration inside other App.only if want to use it (+Register)
SOSigOffice.exeEXE Version of eSOonly if you want to use the EXE
SOSigOffice.exe.manifest only if you want to use the EXE
SOWebSign.ocxOCX Version for IE Integrationonly if want to use it (+Register)
ssleay32.dll yes
StartManager.exeTool to create the configurationsfilesno
StepOverRegisterEngine.ocx yes
wtconfig.cplfor padsearch dialogyes
wtconfig.exefor padsearch dialogyes
xalan-c_1_5_0.dll yes
xerces-c_2_2_0.dll yes
TcpTransfer.dll Yes
Folder ConvertContains also PDF LibraryYes
Folder DriverContains all the Driver filesYes
> Driver-UninstallFor DeinstallationNO
>encryptLibrarys for driver encryptions (SSL)YES
>StepOverSignatureDevice1.ocx YES (+ Register when using SecureSign.OCX or WebSign.ocx)
>sodc.exeTest ProgrammNO
>sodc.exe.manifest NO
>hidkeys.impKey/Serial List for avoiding the sycncronisation (only old Firmware)NO
>SOCapture.dllComponent for PDF Plugin (other product)NO
Folder encryptLibrarys for driver encryptions (SSL)YES
Folder Logos NO
Folder OCXIE Plugin to start eSignatureOffice (+Parameter) from BrowserNO
Folder skins  
>classic blue NO
>classic YES
Folder UninstallFor DeinstallationNO
Folder Uninstall (eSO4 Addons)For DeinstallationNO