


The SecureSign requires the full version of eSignatureOffice, you can either use the eSignatureOffice Addon setup which will install the SecureSign automatically or you can install it manually:

Copy SOSecureSign.ocx into the eSignatureOffice Folder (C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOffice4).

Afterwards you have to register the OCX file by using regsvr32.exe (included in Windows).
Type "regsvr32 SOSecureSign.ocx" in command line.

Create the registry key:


InstallDir is a String Key.

Then you have to write the full path to SOSigOffice.exe into the key InstallDir (e.g. C:\Projects\StepOver\StepOver eSignature Office\SOSigOffice.exe)

ActiveX Identification

Name: SOSecureSign

SOSecureSign Library GUID {39A0D6AA-2BA1-4F7B-8B2D-6822AAEBDB71}

Dispatch interface for StepOverSecureSign Object GUID   {13EC3ED5-2A37-4D60-AFE3-8FEEF214EC1D}
StepOverSecureSign Object GUID {D20CFB8A-E45B-4B12-8AAA-1496592B3B99}