1. Introduction
A Simple Dialog Framework Is a Library which Simplifies the usage of Simple dialog Mode on the Pad. It can be used along with Delphi Driver, Dot net Driver.
The library is an independent library and does not automatically call the Simple dialog API's either from "StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll" or from Dotnet driver. It has two events called the "APIEvent" and "FrameWorkEvents". It is the responsibility of the user to make use of these Events to either call appropriate API's from driver when APIEvent is triggered or handle FrameWorkEvents when that is triggered.
The API Events can be Various types such as initialization, Update display, clear display, draw on to display etc as you know the simple dialog has 2 display buffers to accomplish its tasks called the Current buffer(which is seen on the Screen) and a shadow buffer to which images can be drawn and the display can be switched by calling update display. This switches current and shadow buffer .The API Event triggers an appropriate event to indicate if drawing has to be performed on shadow buffer or current buffer, if drawing on shadow buffer it will also indicate to update display, in addition it will also indicate if the buffer has to be cleared before drawing an image on to it.
The FrameWorkEvents are triggered as a result of an action performed by the user on the pad such as pressing a button, checking or unchecking a checkbox etc.
A detailed Explanation wil be given in the Events Section
2. Installation
The Library can be a DLL or Nuget Package, the Dll is called the "SimpleDialogFrameWork.dll" and can be Downloaded from here (it´s also part of the old DeviceAPI Setup) and the Nuget package can be Downloaded from here(Location TBD)
A template project can be Downloaded From here(Location TBD)
if the Delphi driver is used in a Visual studio c# framework project it would have included StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll in the Project, See how to do that here
Download SimpleDialogFrameWork.dll and include it in your project.
Requirement is .netFramework 4.5.1
3. Initialization
Assuming the following Initialization is done for StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll
SigDev.EnumeratePadsFirst(out padSetting);
SigDev.setPadSettings(padSetting, "");
SigDev.OnDevicePenEventHandler += onDevicePenEventHandler;
SigDev.OnSignFinished += SignFinishedevent;
SigDev.SetDriverLong(5, 10000); // signfinished after 200 millisec
The Simple Dialog Framework after Initialization
SDFrameWork Fw = new SDFrameWork(); // Instantiation of Simple Dialog Framework
Fw.APIEvent += SimpledialogPadApi; // Subscribe to API Events
Fw.FrameWorkEvents += SDialogFrameWorkEventsHandler; // Suscribe to FrameWorkEvents
Fw.Initialize(); // Call this after the Events have been subscribed to Else initialize event will not be handled
4. Simple Dialog Framework Events
4.1 APIEvent
The API Event for "StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll" is as below and will not change for a given version of the Library. if the user is using "StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll" then the below API Event Handler can directly be copied in to the code only modifying the object name."SigDev" with the one used by the user to Instantiate "StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll ". For dotnet driver all the API's starting with "SigDev" has to be replaced with Appropriate API
private void SimpledialogPadApi(object sender, SDFWUpdateOption e)
if (e.APIType == TypeOfAPI.Initialize)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(0, 3); // for delphi API there is no special Initialise for simpledialog, just clearing the both buffers as i
else if (e.APIType == TypeOfAPI.Buffer)
* There are three types of buffer Operation in a SimpledialogPadApi and they have to be done in the Order listed below
* 1. BufferOperation
* 2. DrawToBuffer
* 3. Bufferupdate
* if this Order is Not followed it may result in Erroneous Display
//------------------- BufferClear -------------------------------------
if (e.Bufferoperation == BufferOperation.ClearBoth)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(0, 3);
else if (e.Bufferoperation == BufferOperation.ClearCurrent)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(0, 1);
else if (e.Bufferoperation == BufferOperation.ClearShadow)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(0, 2);
else if (e.Bufferoperation == BufferOperation.CopyCurrentToShadow)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(2, 0);
//------------------- DrawToBuffer -------------------------------------
if (e.Bmp != null)
e.Bmp.Save("Update.png", ImageFormat.Png);
if (e.DrawToBuffer == BufferDraw.ToCurrent)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceImage("", "Update.png", e.Location.X, e.Location.Y, 1);
else if (e.DrawToBuffer == BufferDraw.ToShadow)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogResourceImage("", "Update.png", e.Location.X, e.Location.Y, 0);
if (e.Bmp != null)
//------------------- Bufferupdate -------------------------------------
if (e.Bufferupdate == BufferUpdate.Update)
SigDev.SetSimpleDialogDisplayOption(1, 0);
else if (e.APIType == TypeOfAPI.StartSignature)
//------------------------------------- Driver API Set Signature Rectangle and start Sign --------------------------------------------------
SigDev.CreateSignatureRectangle(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y, e.size.Width, e.size.Height, 31);
SigDev.startCapture("", false, false, false, false, ref padSetting);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As can be Seen by the APIEvent Handler called SimpledialogPadApi, there are three types of API's which are required to be called defined by the Enum TypeOfAPI called Initialize, Buffer, StartSignature.
Initialize event is triggered when Fw.Initialize(); is called, this initializes many internal simpledialog framework operation and then triggers this event so user can call Simple dialog Initialization API from driver, in case of "StepOverSignatureDevice1.dll " calling clear both buffers also initializes the simple dialog mode. Dotnet driver has an initialize APi for simple dialog mode
Buffer event is probaly triggered by a component to update an image it was most likely preceded by a FrameworkEvent trigger, It has three sub modes called BufferClear, DrawToBuffer and Bufferupdate and they have to be executed in that order or it may result in Erroneous operation
StartSignature is triggered after calling Fw.StartSignatureInBox(sdfwargs.SceneName, sdfwargs.ComponentName); . This function calculates where the Signature image is to be drawn on the Screen based on Scene Location and the Signature box location on the Scene and then triggers the APIEvent where the user can use the event to call driver API to setSignature Rectangle size and location and then start Start Signature Capture
4.2 FrameWorkEvent
A frame work event is triggered as a result of user action on the Component Displayed on the Pad such as Depressing a button, checking/unchecking Checkbox, Radiobuttons etc. If the Dialog has only one scene then the Event can be handled as below
public void SDialogFrameWorkEventsHandler(object obj, SDFWargs sdfwargs)
switch (sdfwargs.Component)
case SDFWComponentType.Button:
/* Handle Button Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.RadioButton:
/* Handle RadioButton Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.CheckBox:
/* Handle CheckBox Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.KeyBoard:
/* Handle KeyBoard Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.TextField:
/* Handle TextField Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.RichText:
/* Handle RichText Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.Box:
/* Handle Box Events */ break;
default: break;
SDialogFrameWorkEventsHandler gets two parameters object and an Enum SDFWargs . The Object contains the Object of the Component that the has triggred the Event and the user can cast the object to Appropriate component and can access all the properties of the componet like below
SimpleDialogFWButton button = (SimpleDialogFWButton)obj
Note1 : SimpleDialogFWButton is a component and will be explained in the Component Section
Note2 : See Template Application to See how componets can be Handled in various ways
if more than one scene is defined in the Dialog the it becomes Easier to handle it like below
public void SDialogFrameWorkEventsHandler(object obj, SDFWargs sdfwargs)
if (sdfwargs.Component == SDFWComponentType.KeyBoard)
HandleKeyboard(obj, sdfwargs);
if (sdfwargs.SceneName == "Scene1")
HandleScene1(obj, sdfwargs);
else if (sdfwargs.SceneName == "Scene2")
HandleScene2(obj, sdfwargs);
else if (sdfwargs.SceneName == "Scene3")
HandleScene3(obj, sdfwargs);
if (sdfwargs.Component == SDFWComponentType.NoComponent)
public void HandleScene1(object obj, SDFWargs sdfwargs)
switch (sdfwargs.Component)
case SDFWComponentType.Button:
/* Handle Button Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.RadioButton:
/* Handle RadioButton Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.CheckBox:
/* Handle CheckBox Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.KeyBoard:
/* Handle KeyBoard Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.TextField:
/* Handle TextField Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.RichText:
/* Handle RichText Events */ break;
case SDFWComponentType.Box:
/* Handle Box Events */ break;
default: break;
and SO on
5. Creating Scene(dialog)
In order to create a dialog a base is required on which a components can be placed, this base is called a Scene. All the Components listed below can be placed on the Scene. A user can define As many Scenes As he/she wants.
A scene can be any size however it is not recommended for the size of Scene to be bigger than the pad-display size although it can be smaller , if the Scene is bigger that pad-display size then only part of the Scene is displayed and user will not have access to components drawn outside the pad-display. The Scene can be placed anywhere on the pad-display, provided user takes care not to display partial Scene else the user may have the same problem as described when the Scene size is bigger than the pad-display size
A scene can be created in two ways using an Image as a background in which case the Scene size is the Size of the Image. or user can define size and Background color. Two Simple Dialog Framework(SDFW) API's are used to Accomplish this task. The Return type is Error which is Defined at the Error Section
public Error AddScene(string name, Color BGMColor, Point Location, Size size)
SlNo Arguments Description Remarks 1 name This Parameter takes stringas input. This is a unique identifier if another Scene Exists with the Same name then this Scene cannot be created and Returns Error.SceneAlreadyExists 2 BGMColor This parameter takes Color as input The scene is filled with this color 3 Location This Parameter takes Point as input This can be used to display a scene anywhere on the pad-display with new Point(0,0) being at the Top left corner 4 size This Parameter takes Size as input This defines the size of the Scene Eg :- Fw.AddScene("MainScene", Color .White, new Point (0,0), new Size (1024, 600)); public Error AddScene(string name, string BGMImageFile, Point Location)
SlNo Arguments Description Remarks 1 name This Parameter takes string as input. This is a unique identifier if another Scene Exists with the Same name then this Scene cannot be created and Returns Error.SceneAlreadyExists 2 BGMImageFile This parameter takes string as input This stores the location where the File is stored 3 Location This Parameter takes Point as input This can be used to display a scene anywhere on the pad-display with new Point(0,0) being at the Top left corner Eg:- Fw.AddScene("DocumentViewScene", projectPath + @"\g13\SDFWTest\doc_p1.png", new Point (0, 0));
6. KeyBoard
This Function Adds A User Defined Keyboard to the framework
public Error AddKeyBoardSDialogFrameWork(string Name, Size size, string RowColSize, string KeyBoardChars, Color? KeyBoardBgClr = null, Color? KeyBoardBtnClr = null, Color? KeyBoardBtnPrsdClr = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 17, FontStyle FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null);
SlNo | Arguments | Description | Remarks |
1 | Name | This Parameter takes string as input. | Each Keyboard Is Identified by a name, The user has to give a uinque Name to each keyboard. User can define as many keyboards as is required |
2 | size | This Parameter takes Size as input | This Parameter Defines the Size of the keyboard |
3 | RowColSize | This Parameter takes string as input. | This Parameter takes string as input. However this defines the Size and no of rows and coloumns of the Keyboard, Y size = keyboard.Size.height/ No of rows
4 | KeyBoardChars | This Parameter takes string as input. | This Parameter takes string as input, As in the case of parameter "RowColSize" this also uses character "|", and "," to Split rows and coloumns respectively. |
5 | KeyBoardBgClr | This parameter takes Color as input | Default color "Color.LightGray" It used as a backbround color of the Keybaord |
6 | KeyBoardBtnClr | This parameter takes Color as input | Default color "Color.Gray" It used as a button color of the Keybaordwhen button is not depressed |
7 | KeyBoardBtnPrsdClr | This parameter takes Color as input | Default color "Color.DarkGray" It used as a button color of the Keybaord when button is depressed |
10 | FontName | This parameter takes string as input | Default value is "Arial" The Name of the Font such as "Arial", "Times New Roman" etc |
11 | FontSize | This parameter takes int as input | Default value is 17 this defines the size of the text such as 12, ...... 40.. |
12 | Style | This parameter takes FontStyle as input | Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the FontStyle such as Regular, Bold, Italic |
13 | FontColor | This parameter takes Color as input | Default value is Color.White this defines the color of the font |
Eg: Fw.AddKeyboard("SmallAlphabetsKeyBoard", new Size(1000, 200), " *10=100| *9=111| *9=111| *2=100, 600, *2=100", "q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p|a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l|ABC,z,x,c,v,b,n,m,BS|?123, , space, , Enter", Color.White, Color.Black, Color.Gray, "Arial", 24, FontStyle.Regular, Color.White); |
7. Adding components
The following are the List of Components
7.1 Button :
A button is a component which can be added to a Scene in two ways using Images such as Normal Image, Pressed image and disabled image in which case the button size is the Size of the Image. or user can define size and button color, pressed color and disabled color
Two Simple Dialog Framework(SDFW) API's are used to Accomplish this task. The Return type is Error which is Defined at the Error Section
public Error AddButton(string SceneName, string ButtonName, bool Enabled, Point Location, string buttonImageFile, string ButtonPressedImage, string ButtonDisabledImage, string ButtonText = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
SlNo | Arguments | Description | Remarks |
1 | SceneName | This Parameter takes string as input. | This is a name of the Scene to which the button is to be added, if scene does not exist then it return error |
2 | ButtonName | This parameter takes string as input | This is a unique identifier if another button Exists with the Same name with in this scene then this button cannot be created and Returns Error.ComponentNameAlreadyExists. However same name for a button in different scene is allowed |
3 | Enabled | This Parameter takes bool as input | this Defines if the button is Enabled or disabled and loads appropriate image also if disabled then no event is triggered |
4 | Location | This Parameter takes Point as input | this defines where on the Scene the Button is to be placed |
5 | buttonImageFile | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
6 | ButtonPressedImage | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
7 | ButtonDisabledImage | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
8 | ButtonText | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | Default value is null Text is Dispalyed if user has defined a text |
9 | FontName | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is "Arial" The Name of the Font such as "Arial", "Times New Roman" etc |
10 | FontSize | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes int as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is 12 this defines the size of the text such as 12, ...... 40.. |
11 | Style | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes FontStyle as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the FontStyle such as Regular, Bold, Italic |
12 | FontColor | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes Color as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the color of the font |
public Error AddButton(string SceneName, string ButtonName, bool Enabled, Point ButtonLoc, Size ButtonSize, Color? ButtonColor = null, Color? ButtonPressedColor = null, Color? ButtonDisabledColor = null, string ButtonText = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
SlNo | Arguments | Description | Remarks |
1 | SceneName | This Parameter takes string as input. | This is a name of the Scene to which the button is to be added, if scene does not exist then it return error |
2 | ButtonName | This parameter takes string as input | This is a unique identifier if another button Exists with the Same name with in this scene then this button cannot be created and Returns Error.ComponentNameAlreadyExists. However same name for a button in different scene is allowed |
3 | Enabled | This Parameter takes bool as input | this Defines if the button is Enabled or disabled and loads appropriate image also if disabled then no event is triggered |
4 | Location | This Parameter takes Point as input | this defines where on the Scene the Button is to be placed |
5 | ButtonSize | This Parameter takes Size as input | This defines the size of the Button |
6 | ButtonColor | This parameter takes Color as input | The scene is filled with this color |
7 | ButtonPressedColor | This parameter takes Color as input | The scene is filled with this color |
8 | ButtonDisabledColor | This parameter takes Color as input | The scene is filled with this color |
9 | ButtonText | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | Default value is null Text is Dispalyed if user has defined a text |
10 | FontName | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is "Arial" The Name of the Font such as "Arial", "Times New Roman" etc |
11 | FontSize | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes int as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is 12 this defines the size of the text such as 12, ...... 40.. |
12 | Style | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes FontStyle as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the FontStyle such as Regular, Bold, Italic |
13 | FontColor | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes Color as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the color of the font |
7.2 RadioButton
A Radio button is a type of component where only one button is checked at any one point in time in a group, user can have as many groups of radio button as he/she wishes.
Similar to Button Radio Button can be created in two ways using Two Simple Dialog Framework(SDFW) API's . The Return type is Error which is Defined at the Error Section
public Error AddRadioButton(string SceneName, string RadioButtonName, int RadioButtonGroupNo, bool Enabled, Point RadioButtonLoc, bool CheckedState, string RadioButtonImageFile, string RadioButtonCheckedImageFile, string RadioButtonDisabledImage, string RadioButtonText = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
SlNo | Arguments | Description | Remarks |
1 | SceneName | This Parameter takes string as input. | This is a name of the Scene to which the button is to be added, if scene does not exist then it return error |
2 | RadioButtonName | This parameter takes string as input | This is a unique identifier if another RadioButtonNameExists with the Same name with in this scene then this RadioButtonNamecannot be created and Returns Error.ComponentNameAlreadyExists. However same name for a RadioButtonName in different scene is allowed |
3 | RadioButtonGroupNo | This Parameter takes int as input | this defines to which group the radio button group belongs to user can add as many radiobuttons to a group as he/she wishes |
4 | Enabled | This Parameter takes bool as input | this Defines if the radiobutton is Enabled or disabled and loads appropriate image also if disabled then no event is triggered |
5 | RadioButtonLoc | This Parameter takes Point as input | this defines where on the Scene the RadioButton is to be placed |
6 | CheckedState | This Parameter takes bool as input | this Defines if the radiobutton is Checked or Not and loads appropriate image |
7 | RadioButtonImageFile | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
8 | RadioButtonCheckedImageFile | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
9 | RadioButtonDisabledImage | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
10 | RadioButtonText | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | Default value is null Text is Dispalyed if user has defined a text |
11 | FontName | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is "Arial" The Name of the Font such as "Arial", "Times New Roman" etc |
12 | FontSize | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes int as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is 12 this defines the size of the text such as 12, ...... 40.. |
13 | Style | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes FontStyle as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the FontStyle such as Regular, Bold, Italic |
14 | FontColor | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes Color as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the color of the font |
public Error AddRadioButton(string SceneName, string RadioButtonName, int RadioButtonGroupNo, bool Enabled, Point RadioButtonLoc, bool CheckedState, int RadioButtonDiameter, Color? RadioButtonColor = null, Color? RadioButtonCheckedColor = null, Color? RadioButtonDisabledColor = null, string RadioButtonText = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
SlNo | Arguments | Description | Remarks |
1 | SceneName | This Parameter takes string as input. | This is a name of the Scene to which the button is to be added, if scene does not exist then it return error |
2 | RadioButtonName | This parameter takes string as input | This is a unique identifier if another RadioButtonNameExists with the Same name with in this scene then this RadioButtonNamecannot be created and Returns Error.ComponentNameAlreadyExists. However same name for a RadioButtonName in different scene is allowed |
3 | RadioButtonGroupNo | This Parameter takes int as input | this defines to which group the radio button group belongs to user can add as many radiobuttons to a group as he/she wishes |
4 | Enabled | This Parameter takes bool as input | this Defines if the radiobutton is Enabled or disabled and loads appropriate image also if disabled then no event is triggered |
5 | RadioButtonLoc | This Parameter takes Point as input | this defines where on the Scene the RadioButton is to be placed |
6 | CheckedState | This Parameter takes bool as input | this Defines if the radiobutton is Checked or Not and loads appropriate image |
7 | |||
5 | RadioButtonImageFile | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
6 | RadioButtonCheckedImageFile | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
7 | RadioButtonDisabledImage | This parameter takes string as input | This stores the location where the File is stored |
8 | RadioButtonText | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | Default value is null Text is Dispalyed if user has defined a text |
9 | FontName | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes string as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is "Arial" The Name of the Font such as "Arial", "Times New Roman" etc |
10 | FontSize | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes int as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is 12 this defines the size of the text such as 12, ...... 40.. |
11 | Style | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes FontStyle as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the FontStyle such as Regular, Bold, Italic |
12 | FontColor | This is an Optional parameter. This parameter takes Color as input | If Text is null this parameter is unused Default value is FontStyle.Regular this defines the color of the font |
7.3 CheckBox
public Error AddCheckBox(string SceneName, string CheckBoxName, bool Enabled, Point CheckboxLoc, bool CheckedState, string CheckBoxImageFile, string CheckBoxCheckedImageFile, string CheckBoxDisabledImage, string CheckBoxText = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
public Error AddCheckBox(string SceneName, string CheckBoxName, bool Enabled, Point CheckboxLoc, bool CheckedState, Size CheckBoxSize, Color? CheckBoxColor = null, Color? CheckBoxBgColor = null, Color? CheckBoxDisabledColor = null, string CheckBoxText = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button
7.4 TextField
This creates a TextField to the Scene to which input can be entered via virtual Keyboard
public Error AddTextField(string SceneName, string TextFieldName, bool Enabled, Point TextFieldLoc, Size size, int MaxNoOfChars = 0, Color? BoxGroundColor = null, Color? BackGroundColor = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button, button or checkbox
7.5 Label
This creates a label to the scene
public Error AddLabel(string SceneName, string LabelName, Point Location, string Text, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle.Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button, button or checkbox
7.6 Image
This adds a image to the Scene
public Error AddImage(string SceneName, string ImageName, Point Location, string ImageFile)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button, button or checkbox
7.7 Rectangle
This adds a Rectangle to the Scene
public Error AddRectangle(string SceneName, string RectangleName, Point Location, Size size, Colorcolor)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button, button or checkbox
7.8 RichText
This creates a multi line TextField to the Scene to which input can be entered via virtual Keyboard
public Error AddRichText(string SceneName, string TextFieldName, bool Enabled, Point TextFieldLoc, Size size, int MaxNoOfChars = 0, Color? BoxGroundColor = null, Color? BackGroundColor = null, string FontName = "Arial", int FontSize = 12, FontStyle Style = FontStyle .Regular, Color? FontColor = null)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button, button or checkbox
7.9 Box
This is a Box which creates a rectangle in which it is possible to capture signature or any hand writing. using the API Fw.StartSignatureInBox(sdfwargs.SceneName, sdfwargs.ComponentName)
if a Scenename and a box name is given then it will trigger an APIEvent for start signature with parameters which gives the absolute value of the location of the Box irrespective of where the Scene is placed on the Pad display.
public Error AddBox(string SceneName, string BoxName, bool Enabled, Point BoxLoc, Size size, Color? BoxColor = null, Color? BackGroundColor = null, Color? DisabledColor = null)
The Parameters explanation is Similar to Radio button, button or checkbox except for the BoxColor which defines the Color of the box if no color is desired then enter Color.Transparent
8. Delete Components
8.1 Delete Indivudual components
Each individual components can be deleted using the API
public Error DeleteElement(SDFWComponentType CompType, string ElementName, string ComponentName)
8.2 Delete Scene
public Error DeleteScene(string SceneName)
9. Clear Components
9.1 Clear components with in scene
public Error ClearComponentList(string SceneName, SDFWComponentType type)
SceneName and Componenet type which has to be Cleared
9.2 Clear All Scenes
public Error ClearAllScenes()
9.2 ClearAllKeyBoards
public Error ClearAllKeyBoards()
10. Error
public enum Error : int
/// <summary>
/// Represents a success.
/// </summary>
// com errors are from 0x00 to 0xff
ExceptionCaught = 0x100,
UnknownPad, // keep this value at the end //why?