How to Use SimpleSigner

How to Use SimpleSigner

For SimpleSigner Version 7.x and older please use this page.

Using StepOver SimpleSigner to sign a PDF File



YesFilename of the document to signc:\Users\max\Desktop\Testfile.pdf
2.YesX1 coordinate200
3.YesY1 coordinate200
4.YesX2 coordintate400
5.YesY2 coordinate400
6.YesNumber of the page where the signature shold be addedyou can give the direct page number or use '-' prefix to start from the end of the document
-1 last page; -2 the page before the last page; etc. 
Other Parameters like TextOut, noconfirm, viewpdf...have to placed after the required parameter

The Parameters 2-5 (X1, Y1, X2, Y2) indicate the left upper and the lower right coordinates of a rectangle on the given page. The visible signature will be added into the coordinates of the rectangle

The parameters can be handed to SimpleSigner from a customer applicatione.g. a batch-file. it is highly recommended that you set every parameter into quotation marks because spaces in a parameter (e.g. filename) will be interpreted as a new parameter.

A  sample could look like this:

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\users\max\testfile.pdf" 200 200 400 400 -1

Stamp Options for PDF signing


Allows to enable or disable the visible stamp in the signature field

Stamp-0  =  stamp is disabled

Stamp-1  =  stamp will be added to the signature 


Allows to set the Reason entry to be used in the signature field and as stamp

"Reason-I agree with the content of the document"


Name of the signer. 

"Signer-Max Power"


Allows to set the Location entry to be used in the signature field and as stamp

"Location-Stuttgart / Germany"


SimpleSigner.exe "c:\temp\demo.pdf" 150 500 330 600 1 "Stamp-1" "Reason-I agree with the content of the document" "Signer-Max Power" "Location-Stuttgart / Germany"

Result is a visible stamp which is added under the signature and reason + location which are added to the signature properties.

SimpleSigner.exe "c:\temp\demo.pdf" 150 500 330 600 1 "Stamp-0" "Reason-I agree with the content of the document" "Location-Stuttgart / Germany"

Result is no visible stamp, the reason and location will be added to the signature properties.

SimpleSigner.exe "c:\temp\demo.pdf" 150 500 330 600 1 "Stamp-1"

Result is a visible stamp which contains only the time, the signature properties will stay empty.

Using StepOver SimpleSigner to save an image of the signature as .bmp or .jpg


Filename where the image shold be saved
(File extensioncould be *.bmp *.jpg or *.jpeg) 

2.X = width of the image150
3.Y = height of the image100
Other Parameters like TextOut, AutoSaveSig...have to placed after the Y Parameter

A  sample could look like this:

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\users\max\My Signature.jpeg" 200 100

Additional parameter

the following parameter have to ba at the end at the starting parameter described above


This parameter allows to set the file protection setting for a signed PDF document. 

FileProtection-0   =  PDF will be saved without read-only attribute

FileProtection-1   =  PDF will be saved with read-only attribute  (default if this parameter is not used)

Note: The SimpleSigner will not overwrite/update PDF files with active read-only attribute.

SimpleSigner.exe "c:\temp\demo.pdf" 150 500 330 600 1 FileProtection-1

TextOut-This parameter shows a line of text on the screen of the signature device.

The output text has to be entered directly after the TextOut- Parameter, e.g.:

Be careful with spaces:
If you are going to use spaces you will have to place the parameters in quotation marks.
"TextOut-Written text"

Texts with a number of lines:
You can enter a number of consecutive TextOut- parameters. The first parameter appears on the first line, the second on the second line, etc:
"TextOut-this text will appear first," "TextOut-this other one will follow "

If you only handle the TextOut parameter (followed by a space) a space will appear on the pad screen.
"TextOut-1. line," TextOut- "TextOut-3. line."

In combination with the parameters for creating a JPEG from a signature, the startup parameters could be as follows:
SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100" "TextOut-Please sign now"

If SimpleSigner is started to make a signature:

This parameter indicates the number of seconds after which signing will automatically close. Should the signing not have started after the time indicated, the program will close itself.
When signing has been started, the clock will cancel itself and the program will act as it would do without this parameter.

The number of seconds has to be entered after the parameter, for example:
In this case 15 seconds would be counted.

In combination with the parameters for creating a JPEG from a signature, the startup parameters could be as follows:
SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test it.jpg" 250 100 TimeOut-20

If SimpleSigner is started to seal a document:

The parameter indicates how long the notification window with Sealing succeeded or Sealing failed message should be shown. If TimeOut-0 is specified, notification window is not shown. Nevertheless, exit code and CancelLog is set correctly.


This parameter saves the signature automatically two seconds after signing is completed.

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 "AutoSaveSig-2"

To give the user more than two seconds, the number which appears after the AutoSaveSig- parameter can be changed.
SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 "AutoSaveSig-5"
In this last example, the signature will be saved 5 seconds after the signing process on the pad ends.

Note: This Parameter is not working with TCP Client (Serversonet), because TCP Client has an own Parameter for this function. You can find more Informations about this Functions in the Manual of TCP Client.


If SimpleSigner is started to make a signature:

If cancelled this creates a file in the meta directory with the text "Signature cancelled".

If SimpleSigner is started to seal a document:

String "Sealed=true" or "Sealed=false" is written to the log file.
The name of the file is entered after the CancelLog parameter. If a file name is not given, the file will be given the default name "CancelLog.ret".

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 "AutoSaveSig-5" "CancelLog-Cancel.txt"

StretchZooms signature image to occupy the whole signature field.

Specifies font size for signature device's LCD.

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 "TextOut-Please sign now" "fontsize-12"


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 "TextOut-Please sign now" "fontsize-24"

Res-This parameter allows you to override the signature image size and use a different value than size of signature window.
By default the signature image (bmp or jpeg) is created with the same size (X1 by Y1).
The res- parameter allows to create images of arbitrary size.

SimpleSigner.exe "signature.bmp" 200 150 res-1024x768

Hides document hash confirmation dialog


View document on device before signing, actual signing started after click on green sign button on device's LCD.
This Button is only available on pads with colour display.

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Mustermann.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False viewpdf


View defined page of document on device before signing, actual signing started after click on green sign button on device's LCD.
This Button is only available on pads with colour display.

Sample: (view page 2 from mustermann.pdf)
SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Mustermann.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False viewpdf-2


This signature mode shows the document background during the signature on the device

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Mustermann.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc


To change the background iImage for the default signmode. The format must be BMP and the size depends on the device typ.

Colour-Pad:  640x310

Flawless/Comfort:   480x272

Brilliance:   800x310

10.0:     945x600

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 "foreground-C:\Test\Image.bmp"

mouseenables the Mouse as drawing device for the simplesigner. The mouse counts as Tablet PC, therefor the TabletPC Extension is required.

This parameter allows to configure the Windows Size of the SimpleSigner and was added for the usaged with TabletPC to increase the signing area.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 winSize-500x200


With this Parameter the SimpleSigner Windows is not showed anymore, only the Pad Search Dialog will be visible.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Test\Test.jpg" 250 100 autosavesig-3 hidegui 

StayOnTopAllows the simplesigner App to be in foreground*

This parameter is only the the NextGen devices. If the main page is protected with a password, you need to use this parameter to allow the SimpleSigner the access to the device.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\users\max\testfile.pdf" 200 200 400 400 1 0 "MainPassword-yourdevicepw"

By default the SimpleSigner is managing the button behavior from the device, the Parameter buttonconfig allows to change the default behavior, for example to disable spezific Buttons.


The Parameter contains values for the ButtonID, Mode, Status and Colour for a single or for multiple buttons. The HashDialog is not effected from this Parameter and only effects the ColourDevices (ColourPad, Comfort, Flawless and Brilliance). To disable the Hashdialog use "noconfirm" Parameter.





    200: Zoom into Page

    201: Zoom out of Page

    202: Next Page or Signature

    203: Previous Page or Signature

    204: Start Sign from Pad

    205: Rotate Display (left / right hand mode)

    206: OK

    207: Repeat

    208: Cancel

    209: Rotate display 90°


0: default signature mode (Flags in Background)

5: Document view mode

6: sign in document mode

Enabled / Visable

0: disable

1: enable


BGR color of the button, 32 Bit (TColor type in Delphi):

Bit 31 - 24 : 00h (all zero)

Bit 23 - 16 : Intensity of Blue

Bit 15 - 08 : Intensity of Green

Bit 07 - 00 : Intensity of Red

The value 00FF0000 represents full-intensity, pure blue.

The value 0000FF00 is full intensity pure green.

The value 000000FF is pure red.

The value 00000000 is black.

The value 00FFFFFF is white.

The default used color values are:

    Blue      = 00FF0000

    Green   = 00369000

    Yellow   = 0038CCF0

    Red      = 001A00E2

    White   = 00FFFFFF

    Grey    = 00B5B5B5


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Mustermann.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc "buttonconfig-205-0-0-0:205-5-0-0"

(disable the Rotation Button for DocumentView und defaultSignmode)

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\Mustermann.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc "buttonconfig-206-6-0-0:207-6-0-0:208-6-0-0"

(disable the OK / Repeat / Cancel button inside the SignInDocument Mode)

Zoom/Placement Options

The following options allows to modfiy the default settings of the SignInDoc mode



Parameter force the to show the signature fields in a specific size (mm) on the pad display. You can either use zoomsigx for forcing the width or zoomsigy for forcing the height


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\document.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc zoomsigx-100

(signature field has a width of 100mm, the height depends of the Y coordinates)

SimpleSigner.exe "C:\document.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc zoomsigy-50

(signature field has a height of 50mm, the width depends of the X coordinates)



Parameter to define the placement based on the bottom/left corner of the signature pad. The 2 Parameter can be combined and the value is in mm.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\document.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc possigx-30 possigy-50

(signature field is placed 3cm right into right and 5cm into top, from bottom/left)


Parameter to set how much percent of display should be filled with the signature field. For duraSign Pad 10.0 the zoomsig and possig have to be set 0.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\document.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False signondoc zoomsigx-0 zoomsigy-0 possigx-0 possigy-0 areasig-50

(50% signature field for duraSign Pad 10.0)





These 4 parameters can be used to overwrite the signing area on the signature pad.

rectsigl =  Reactangle Signature left which is the point at the left side of the screen where the signature capture begins in horizontal direction.

rectsigr = Reactangle Signature Right which is the point at the right side of the screen where the signature capture ends in horizontal direction.

rectsigt = Reactangle Signature Top which is the point at the top side of the screen where the signature capture begins in vertical direction.

rectsigb = Reactangle Signature bottom which is the point at the bottom side of the screen where the signature capture ends in vertical direction.

Note :

  1. all values are in pixels.
    1. for duraSign 10.0 the display size in 1024 x 600 minus 74px for the button bar
    2. for duraSign Brilliance the display size us 800x480 minus 71px for the button bar
  2. if the display size is not known then rectsigr and rectsigb can be set to a higher value for eg rectsigr-9999 , rectsigb-9999 internally it will be set to max allowed value for the device.

Sample : SimpleSigner.exe "C:\users\max\testfile.pdf" 200 200 400 400 -1 rectsigl-0 rectsigr-954 rectsigt-0 rectsigb-600

Encryption Setting

StepOver Signature Pads with Firmware 7.x or higher support bigger encryption keys for the biometric and the digital signature. The Pads have at least 3 sets of encryption Keys. The First (ID=0) has keys with the length of 2048 which was the standard of the pads until 2020. The new Firmware supports biodata encryption with a key of 4096 and the digital signature (only without "noconfirm" parameter) of 3072. The default by a Pad with Firmware 7.x is the set with the highest Encryption set (ID=2), by older devices there is only 1 set which is automatically used.

CompanyIDNameDigitalSig KeypairBiometric Key

StepOver GmbH

0StepOver cryptoIdv120482048
1StepOver 2048/409620484096
2StepOver 3072/409630724096

StepOver International

0StepOver cryptoIdv120482048
1StepOver Int 2048/409620484096
2StepOver Int 3072/409630724096


Define the encryption set by the ID.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\document.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False "cryptoid-1"


Define the encryption set by the Name.


SimpleSigner.exe "C:\document.pdf" 200 200 400 350 1 0 False "cryptoid-StepOver 2048/4096"


2TCP/IP Connection Timeout
-1Abort with Cancel button (inside SimpleSigner or on the device)
-2Error occured, no info about cause.
-3Error while embedding the signature into the PDF
-5unhandled application crash (Exception) occured
-6Timeout occured by the timeout set by Timeout- variable
-7User exits the application by using the X on the GUI
-8Error saving file. Possible reasons are permission issues or readonly file attribute (one of the optional parameter)
-12temp file hash is incorrect
-20document is not loaded. not existing or not accessible
-21document erroneous (biodata string or container defect)
-22document is sealed oder hash is encrypted with unknown key
-26the signatureimage is wrong (max 5 pixel signature or max 50 biodata frames embedded)
-28failure in imagestream from pad
-29signature field is too small, height and width need to be higher than 20
-30image could not be saved
-300SimpleSigner,eSignatureOffice,WebSign,SecureSign is already running

The calculation of the PDF coordinates

The top/left has the value 0/0 and for the calculation you can yuse the following formula:

A4= 8.27 x 11.69 inch with 72points/inch = 595x842 points

1 point = 0.03527777778 centimeters

1point = 0.01388888889 inch

Example: 5cm are 142 points (5cm / 0.03527777778 = 141,7323) 

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