09. I am using the signature device in a virtual machine (VM)


If you want to forward you signature device from your computer to a Virtual Machine, this should normally be done by your operating system and your VM-software automatically. In case this is not working correctly, please check in your VM-client, if the pad is currently assigned to the VM or to the system, in which the VM is only running. It's not possible to assign the pad to both parts at the same time.

If the signature pad is already assigned to the VM, but you still cannot find it, updating the StepOver software or the VM-software might help.


To test you could also download the following file, extract it and start the sodc.exe (StepOver Device Check) from the extracted folder.


This little tool is used to test any connected StepOver pads independant from other software. 

  • Select the device which you want to test with the "Pad auswählen" (= "Select pad") button
  • When you click the "Test starten" (= "Start testing") button now, you can sign on the selected pad and you should also be able to see the direct image of your signature in SODC.


You should use this tool to test the system, in which the VM is running (to see, if the device is working at all) and you should also test within the VM, if the pad only isn't found by the previously used software or if it isn't found by SODC either.