Download the PadConnectorManager https://www.stepoverinfo.net/download.php?file=PadConnectorManagerPadConnector_3.0.5-and-Manager-1.0.04.zip and extract it on the server ( for example inside . You can optional copy the PadConnectorManager1.x folder into the inetpub folder )of your IIS.
The PadConnectorManager is an ASP.NET Core application that has to be hosted by IIS. To install it in IIS, some Windows features and modules may be required.
IIS CORS Module which you can get from here: https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/iis-cors-module
ASP.NET Core Module/6.0 Runtime (v6.0.31) - Windows Hosting Bundle which you can download from here: https://learndotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/iis/?view=aspnetcore-download/dotnet/6.0
The PadConnector also requires the Windows Authentication roll of the IIS. You can install this feature with the Server Manager. It listed in the Server Roles list under “Web Server (IIS) / Security / Windows Authentication”, make sure this option is enabled, otherwise the IIS doesn´t return the user account name and a linking to the user specific port is not possible.
Installation of the required certificates
You also need to install the SignSocket.StepOver.com certificate for the HTTPS communication . You can download it under https://www.stepoverinfo.net/signsocket.stepover.com.pfx . After the download double-click on the signsocket.stepover.com.pfx and select as storage location the “local maschine”. Confirm the Import in the next step and use the password “signsocket57357”. Select the “Web Hosting” as store location for the certificate.
Confirm the location and the overview and the certificate import should be finished.of the IIS and the StepOver Software Root CA 4096 for the browser. You can both certificates inside the download package with a batch for the installation. This importCertificates.bat needs to started as Administrator for the Installation, otherwise it will fail.
If you want to install the certificates manually you can do this with the certificate manager (MMC). The signsocket_keystore.pfx needs to be imported under Web Hosting, the password for the import is “signsocket57357”. The SWRootCertificateStepOverEuropa4096.der needs to be installed as Trusted Root and also under Web Hosting.
Installation of PadConnectorManager inside IIS
Next step is to enable the Anonymous and Windows authentication.
In certain IIS versions such as 8.5 it is necessary to remove the WebDAV module from the site, because it may interfere in the registration step.
Now you can start the PadConnectorManager Site.
You also need to disable the Idle-Time-out for the Padconnector-Manager, because otherwise the IIS will stop the Manager process after 20min of idling and with that the existing User/Port Mapping list. Go to the Application Pool, select the PadConnectorManager and then “Advanced Settings..”. Under Process Model, you will find the Idle-Time-out option, which has a default value of 20. You need to set it to 0 and confirm with OK.
To allow the interaction between the PadConnectorManager site and the external signing location (like webSignatureOffice.com), the web.config needs to configured. The default address http://websignatureoffice.com is added to the PadConnectorManager web.config file, if you using a different site, like our Test Environment or your own page, you need to modify the web.config to allow the cross connection between the different sites.
Code Block | ||
| ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> <system.webServer> <handlers> <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" /> </handlers> <aspNetCore processPath=".\PadConnectorManager.exe" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess" /> <cors enabled="true" failUnlistedOrigins="true"> <add origin="https://websignatureoffice.com" allowCredentials="true" maxAge="120"> <allowHeaders allowAllRequestedHeaders="true"/> <allowMethods> <add method="GET" /> </allowMethods> </add> <add origin="https://www.websignatureoffice.com" allowCredentials="true" maxAge="120"> <allowHeaders allowAllRequestedHeaders="true"/> <allowMethods> <add method="GET" /> </allowMethods> </add> <add origin="https://websignatureofficedev.webso.stepover.de:8446" allowCredentials="true" maxAge="120"> <allowHeaders allowAllRequestedHeaders="true"/> <allowMethods> <add method="GET" /> </allowMethods> </add> </cors> </system.webServer> </location> </configuration> <!--ProjectGuid: A1685A1F-7177-4E9A-8AC3-9B8F4D35F131--> |
If you want to check for active users you can use the /dump Endpoint
Start up from PadConnector
When using the PadConnector Setup, a Service for the Startup of the PadConnector will be installed. But in a multi-user environment we have to start it inside the user-session, because only there is the device available. For that the PadConnector\run\PadConnectorConsole.exe can be used. With the exec from the same folder you can start it without the visible console.
Code Block |
"c:\…\PadConnector\run\exec.exe" "c:\…\PadConnector\run\PadConnectorConsole.exe" |
Add this to your login script for all users which should use the padconnector.
Additional Information for Integrator
One way to perform the authentication step is
Then, GET http://localhost:57358/port?token=someUserToken to get the port.