File Specifications
Image Specifications
You can use the following file extensions to upload:
The optimal resolutions for the duraSign Pad 10.0 NG are the following:
Promoscreen1 (1024 x 600)
Promoscreen2 (1024 x 600)
Promoscreen3 (1024 x 600)
Promoscreen4 (1024 x 600)
Promotional video
The video have to be created in webm format with the following properties
VP8 codec
Resolution of 512x300 (scales to display size)
Bit rate 2500K
Refresh rate 24 Hz
no sound
Videos with other formats and properties can be converted using the tool
Sample: ffmpeg -i "inputVideo.mp4" -c:v libvpx -b:v 2500k -vf scale=512:-1 -an -r 24 "outputVideo.webm"
On Windows, the StepOver NG Uploader can also be used to convert and upload promotional images and videos.