The Print2NG tool can also be used independently of the printer to load PDF or XML documents onto a NextGen device. The default installation path of the tool is "C:\Program Files\StepOver\P2NG\Print2NG.exe" The supported parameters are listed below.
long Parameter | short Parameter | Description |
--? --help | -? -h | Displays an overall overview of the possible command line parameters. |
--log | -l | The application's output is written to a file. |
--fullscreen | Print2NG runs in fullscreen mode | |
--files | -f | This is followed by one or more files (.xml or .pdf), which the PrinterTool transfers to the NextGen device one after the other |
--ipadr | -i | The IP or hostname of the NextGen device to be used can be specified here. e.g.: “-i” |
--usehttps | Connection to the NextGen device via a secured HTTPS connection. | |
--pw | -p | In the NextGen device, access to the website or REST API can be protected by a password (home page). If this is the case, this password must also be passed on to the printer tool. |
--readDir | -r | Sets the starting directory for manual document selection. |
--writeDir | -w | Defines the directory in which the signed documents should be saved. |
--noSaveChooser | -n | The Save As dialog is suppressed and the file is automatically saved in the specified target directory. This can also be set as a parameter with --writeDir. |
--adddate | The saved document is provided with the date and time (_YYYYMMDDSSMM) in the file name, e.g. “PDFDocument_202405311255.pdf” | |
--page | For multi-page documents, you can specify which page should be displayed first. | |
--startsig | -g | After the transfer, you automatically switch to signing mode. |
--autoclose | -a | After the document is signed, downloaded and saved, the program exits. |
--minimize | -z | The application will start minimized. |
# Just upload a PDF # "C:\Program Files\StepOver\P2NG\Print2NG.exe" "C:\Temp\Lorem ipsum.pdf" # Upload 2 Documents on the device Nextgen123456789.local which has the Mainpassword "MyPassword". The Print2NG will first upload the "Lorem ipsum.pdf" document and when this is closed the "DEMO.pdf" will be uploaded # "C:\Program Files\StepOver\P2NG\Print2NG.exe" --files "C:\Temp\Lorem ipsum.pdf" --files "C:\Temp\Demo.pdf" --ipadr Nextgen123456789.local --pw MyPassword # Upload Demo.xml, Print2NG will run minimized, start signing process and will close it self after saving automatically to "C:\Temp\Output\" # "C:\Program Files\StepOver\P2NG\Print2NG.exe" -f "C:\Temp\Input\Demo.xml" --minimize --startsig --autoclose --noSaveChooser --writeDir "C:\Temp\Output\"