e) Callback-API

e) Callback-API


WebSignatureOffice can be configured to call an URL on certain events. This functionality is activated by setting the URL to be called in the config.ini: 

webso_events_url=https://host/servlet (example URL) 

webso_events_urlThe url which is called.https://host/servlet
webso_events_filterA comma seperated list of events that should be fired. If this option is not set, all events are firedRENDER_RETURN,USER_FINISH
webso_events_retryThe time waited in milliseconds until the event call is repeated. If this option is not set, the event won't be fired again.3000
webso_events_retriesNumber of retries. -1 (default) means infinitive retries3

additional Request Header

It is possible to add additional request header with the config webso_events_keys and the corresponding webso_events_values.

webso_events_keys is a comma seperated list with header names. webso_events_values is a comma seperated list, which contains the values for the corresponding key.

webso_events_keysThe keys as comma seperated list.

example 1: webso_events_keys=user,password

example 2: webso_events_keys=Authorization

webso_events_valuesThe values as comma seperated list.

example 1: webso_events_values=foo,bar

example 2: webso_events_values=Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==

The request contains the header user=foo and password=bar. In the second example a basic auth header is used.

TyrService XML upload

There is also a way to set a callback URL for each document via XML upload (processXML parameter).

If the uploaded XML contains a single document, the <CallbackUrl> is defined under <ESign>.


If the uploaded XML contains an envelope, the <CallbackUrl>s are defined for each document individually.


If no <CallbackUrl> is defined, the URL from the server config is used.


These following events are supported:


fired when the status of a signature request changes, the following data is sent:

document_id:   The document ID

from:                 The old status

to:                     The new status

status: 1 = new, 2 = partially signed, 3 = finished, all signed, 4 = failed, not all signed

The event data is sent per HTTP POST as a JSON object:



fired when a user finished all of his signatures of a signature request, the following data is sent:

user_id:            The user ID

document_id:   The document ID

fields_signed:   The amount of signed fields (of this user)

The event data is sent per HTTP POST as a JSON object:



fired when a signature field was signed or rejected, the following data is sent:

field_id:            The signature field ID

field_status:     The field status : "signed" or "rejected"

document_id:   The document ID

user_id:           The user ID

The event data is sent per HTTP POST as a JSON object:



fired when the document rendering has finished, the following data is sent:

status:            error or success

document_id:   The document ID

Please note: The event RENDER_RETURN can't be send to the url defined in an TyrService upload. The server setting URL is used instead.

The event data is sent per HTTP POST as a JSON object:



The JSON object can be processed like this (Java):

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

	String jsonString = IOUtils.toString(req.getInputStream());
      JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);

      String statusFrom = json.getString("from");
      String statusTo = json.getString("to");
      String event = json.getString("event");
      String documentId = json.getString("document_id");
	  //do something
   	catch (JSONException e)

   	resp.setContentType( "text/html" );

The receiving service must return a return code 200 on success. If no 200 is received the call is repeated after the time defined in webso_events_retry. If webso_events_retry isn't set, the call won't be repeated.

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