Print2NG is a virtual printer driver that converts print data into PDF files and sends them to a NextGen pad, such as the "duraSignPad NG 10" from the NextGen series. You can start the printing process from any application that supports printing, and then sign the generated PDF file on the pad. You can either select a specific NextGen pad to send the document or display a device selection dialog that shows all available NextGen pads.
During the signing process, Print2NG mirrors the view of the NextGen pad, allowing the person at the PC to follow the signer’s actions in real-time. To assist the signer, the mirrored buttons on the pad can also be operated from the PC.
After the signature is completed, the document can be saved using the download button on the pad or in the mirrored display. There are two options for this: Print2NG can either show the user a "Save As" dialog or save the signed PDF files automatically to a specified directory. After saving, Print2NG can either be closed or minimized, allowing the user to continue their work seamlessly.
Installation Process
Double-click on the setup file to begin the installation process and click “Next” to continue.
Read through the license agreement, if you agree the terms, click on the checkbox “I accept the agreement” and click “Next”.
Select the installation folder and click “Next”. By default, the directory is set to “C:\Program Files\StepOver\Print2NG”.
After selecting the desired directory and clicking “Next,” the files will be copied to the chosen directory.
Complete the installation by clicking “Finish.” Optionally, you can choose to start Print2NG immediately by checking the box.
Print2NG wurde erfolgreich installiert.
The setup can also be installed automatically using parameters, more information can be found here.
User Interface
Starting Print2NG, the following interface will be displayed:
If a signing device has been added, the name and the IP address of the signature pad is displayed at the top left on the interface.
Three buttons are available in this view:
Search device: You can use this button to search for connected or available NextGen in the network and select the desired one.
Settings: Here you can adjust the application settings.
Help: This button provides access to help resources.
In the centre of the screen is a field with a cloud icon. Here you can drag and drop a PDF or XML file to sign.
Settings and Options
Select Language
Device Configuration
File Handling
Application Settings
Log File
Basic Use
First steps based on an example:
Open the Document: Open a Word document that you want to convert to a PDF and sign.
Print as PDF: Click on “File” and select “Print”.
Select Printer: Choose “StepOver Print2NG” as the printer and click “Print”.
Document in Print2NG: Print2NG will open, displaying your document as a PDF on the screen and on the NextGen pad.
Click on the pen button to sign the document.Sign the Document: Sign the document on your NextGen pad and confirm your signature by pressing the green OK button.
Save document: Afterwards, you can save the signed PDF document using the download button.
Alternatively, Print2NG can also be started via the start menu. To automate the signature process, you have the option of initiating the tool via an external application or a batch file with the desired parameter.
In addition to transferring a PDF file, you can also submit a NextGen-specific XML file to Print2NG. This allows you to further automate the signing process on the pad by specifying the signature positions. You can find the documentation for the XML here.