C++ Example
The Archive can be downloaded
This is a cmake project and and the gui is based on wxWidgets.
Ensure that cmake is installed on your system.
if wxwidgets is installed on your system then you can run cmake,list from src directory.. else run cmake.list from NativeSignAPIWrapperExamplefolder it will automatically install wxwidgets
Ensure that cmake is installed on your system.
if wxwidgets is installed on your system then you can run cmake,list from src directory.. else run cmake.list from NativeSignAPIWrapperExamplefolder it will automatically install wxwidgets
On windows open visual studio developer command prompt and navigate to path where the downloaded zip is extracted and run these two commands one after the other
- cmake -S. -Bbuild
- cmake --build build
This may take about 20 minutes or so if run for the first time since it has to download , compile and install wxwidgets.
then you should be able to run an exe location in ..\NativeSignAPIWrapperExample\Build\subprojects\Build\NativeSignAPIWrapperExample_core\Debug
On linux open terminal and run the following commands and run these two commands one after the other
- cmake -S. -Bbuild
- cmake --build build
then you should be able to run an executable location in ..\NativeSignAPIWrapperExample\build\subprojects\Build\NativeSignAPIWrapperExample_core\
Ensure that the HID device has permission to connect
ls /dev/hid*
sudo chmod 0666 /dev/hidraw*
See also the Linux hints.