



function DrawSignature(DC: HDC; Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer; SigNum: Integer): LongBool; stdcall;


HRESULT _stdcall DrawSignature([in] long SigNum, [in] VARIANT_BOOL Realtime, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);



Draws the signature given in SigNum on the visible area of the API component. If you set the realtime to True, the signature will be drawn in the same timescale as it was captured.

The function returns True, if the signature could be drawn.

If the function returns False, it means that the signature could not be drawn, because the function is still drawing another signature.

This should only happen if you set the realtime to True. In that case the function will recognize, that you want to draw another signature now and it will stop the current drawing process. If you wait for about 200msec, you can try again to draw the next signature.
Displaying a signature in realtime can be a security risk for the signer. Please deactivate this function, if you are not fully aware of the security risk. If you decide to activate this function, you will have to carry the responsibility for the possible consequences. The StepOver GmbH is not liable for the possible secondary consequences.

This function is obsolete, because with the changes of the signing process, you are not enable to encrypt the signature without a notary. Therefore this function can´t be used by customers directly!

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