3. ActiveX SignAPI4 control

3. ActiveX SignAPI4 control


Signature API is available not only as a DLL but as ActiveX control as well.


Name of the interfaceGUID 
StepOverSignatureAPI4LIBID_StepOverSignatureAPI4: TGUID = '{7D88A3AF-AB68-41FC-B5B3-31B890C909F7}'; 
coclass StepOverSignatureAPIv4 CLASS_StepOverSignatureAPIv4: TGUID = '{175B71A7-81A1-4BED-A435-A6B88CF782B2}'; 
interface IStepoverSignatureApiv4IID_IStepOverSignatureAPIv4: TGUID = '{8B8CAC4A-DC42-4AC4-8F69-264A6E6CD20F}'; 
interface IStepoverSignatureApiv4EventsDIID_IStepOverSignatureAPIv4Events: TGUID = '{E39A61AD-D936-4603-AD08-0EB27F50240D}'; 


Registry Entries

Registry values in the following registry keys control aspects of the functionality of COM:



• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion


As of Windows Server 2003, COM uses only the current process token to decide which registry hive to access, not the thread token. If COM is not able to access the user profile registry hive, it will access the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System hive.


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