Postman Collection

The postman collection can be used to test tyrservice calls. The login request must be executed first to set the sessionId.

Tyrservice postman collection:

Example XMLs:

  • A document containing two signatures

  • An envelope containing two documents with two signatures each

The base64 string of the xml-files can be used in the method processXML (see below).

Collection Variables

The postman collection contains a prerequest script, which automatically calculates the following variables:

  • sessionId: Is set when calling the login method

  • x-sosignature: SHA256 hash of the request body and shared secret

  • sessionIdString: Is calculated with the sessionId from the login call, a timestamp, a UUID and the customer key

The following collection variables must be set:

  • customerKey: The customer key

  • sharedSecret: The shared secret

  • tyr_host: The host

The following variables can be set and will be used in methods. Alternatively you can also change the request body directly:

  • user: The username or email address for the login call

  • password: The password for the user

  • documentId: Requests which require a documentId are automatically filled with the collection variable

  • envelopeId: Requests which require an envelopeId are automatically filled with the collection variable

  • viewerTimeLimit: The validity of a time-limited viewer link in seconds. Default 25200 (=7 hours)

  • userId: For creating timelimited viewer URLs

Tyr methods:

The postman collection contains the following methods:

  • createUser

    • The user information must be set in the request body:

      • first_name

      • last_name

      • login (user name)

      • email

      • language (de/en)

      • country_id (64 is Germany)

      • city

      • admin_rights (true/false grants admin rights to the new user)

      • password

  • deleteDocument

  • deleteDocumentForUser

    • Variable: Username must be set in request body

  • deleteEnvelope

  • downloadDocument

  • getDocumentIdsForEnvelope

  • getDocumentMeta

  • getDocumentSignatureRequestStatus

  • getDocumentSignatureRequestStatusDetailed

  • generateAuditTrailForEnvelope

    • Variable: locale can be set in request body

  • getSigningRequests

  • getUrlSignatureForDocument

    • The viewer URL is logged in the postman console.

  • getUrlSignatureForEnvelope

    • The viewer URL is logged in the postman console.

  • login

  • processXml

  • resendNotifySigner

    • Variable: Username or email must be set in request body

  • resendNotifySignerEnvelope

    • Variable: Username or email must be set in request body

  • retrieveEnvelopeXml

  • retrieveXml

If no variable is mentioned, the values are filled from the collection variables: (documentId, envelopeId etc…)