Secondary Translations

Secondary Translations

Secondary Translations Module Documentation


The Secondary Translations module utilizes a JSON file, secondaryTranslations.json, as a resource for additional language translations. This file contains an object, the parameters of which consist of key-value pairs that store translated strings for each specific language.


The location of the secondaryTranslations.json file is defined in the config.ini file, using the secondary_translations_url variable:



Resource can be strored locally on the server as well as remote.

e.g.: file:///path/to/file

instead of file, http, https or ftp can be used.

Override Mechanism

The values obtained from the secondaryTranslations.json file override the default values of the language module. This provides a way to customize the translations for specific languages according to the users' needs.

Please ensure that the structure and key-value pairings in the secondaryTranslations.json file align with the default language module structure. Improper configuration may result in unexpected behavior or errors.


secondaryTranslation.json data will be cached.

To refresh content of secondaryTranslations.json file make a request:


[GET]  /api/v1/settings/secondaryTranslations?clear

secondaryTranslations.json example

    "de": {
        "lb_info_login_headline": "Company Login DE",
        "lb_list_filter_status": "Company Status",
        "lb_button_start_signing": "Company Unterzeichnen beginnen",
        "lb_info_accept_terms_linktext": "Company Nutzungsbedingungen & Datenschutz",
        "lb_help": "Help me please!!!"
    "en": {
        "lb_info_login_headline": "Company Login EN"
    "es": {
        "lb_info_login_headline": "Company Login ES"


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