With StepOver signature pad

With StepOver signature pad

Supported browsers:

  • Chrome version 49 or higher
  • FireFox version 50 or higher
  • Edge Version 40 or higher
  • Safari version 10 or higher

Supported signature Pads:

  • naturaSign Standard 2
  • naturaSign Pad Classic
  • naturaSign Pad Mobile
  • naturaSign Pad Colour
  • naturaSign Pad Comfort
  • naturaSign Pad Flawless
  • duraSign Pad Brilliance
  • duraSign Pad 10.0

Admin rights are required for the installation of the Pad Connector. As soon as the installation is done, these admin rights are no longer required for the further signature processes.

The setup tries to set an entry in the hosts file (%windir%\system32\drivers\etc), this can be blocked by antivirus scanners.

If no entry can be placed in the hosts file, the setup will still complete successfully. However, connection problems between the signature pad and the browser may occur afterwards (see Troubleshooting).

Problems with the installation?

Find more information here: Troubleshooting

The Pad Connector is a Java applet, which communicates with the signature pads via USB HID Library per JNA.

All biometric data is transfered encrypted via a Jetty based server. The encryption is happening on the StepOver signature pad (hybride AES256Bit/RSA2048Bit / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_cryptosystem)

The communication between Browser and Pad Connector is done by using secure web sockets (wss). The SSL certificate and the keystore are stored locally in the installation directory and are used to overcome the browsers mixed content barrier. It has no security relevance as the data does not leave the local realm of the users computer. The SSL certificate is issued for a host name that has a localhost DNS adress (signsocket.stepover.com). The Pad Connector web socket only excepts connections from localhost.

Please consider: For using webSignatureOffice your browser has to allow the use of session cookies.

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