procedure OnGetSignedDocHash(Hash: OleVariant; out Data: OleVariant; out RetCode: Integer);
HRESULT OnGetSignedDocHash([in] VARIANT Hash, [out] VARIANT* Data, [out] long* RetCode);
This function should provide the final document hash to the device driver, read the signed document hash and return it to the API. After the final document hash is provided to the naturaSign signature device, it calculates the signed hash and shows three virtual buttons on the device display: OK, Repeat and Cancel.
The user must either:
- confirm his signature by pressing OK or
- request to sign again (Repeat) or
- cancel the signature process (Cancel).
The computation and confirmation by the user takes some time, and if OnGetSignedDocHash is implemented only in the most simple way (like in the sample below), the application on the PC may freeze for that time. It's often desirable to implement asynchronous polling of the device driver, which should be done by the developer of the client application.
In case you don´t want to use this Hash Dialog, you need to enable the Emulation Mode with SetDriverOptions.
void axSignAPIv4_OnGetSignedDocHash(object sender, IStepOverSignatureAPIv4Events_OnGetSignedDocHashEvent e)
// return codes;
const int adrOk = 0;
const int adrError = 1;
const int adrCancelled = 2;
const int adrRepeat = 3;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
bool finished = false;
while (!finished)
{ int status;
{ = SigDev.GetSignedDocHash(out status);
status = 0x03;
// Computation finished and OK pressed?
if(status == 0x11)
e.retCode = adrOk;
finished = true;
} // Cancel or repeat pressed?
switch(status & 0x0F)
case 2: e.retCode = adrRepeat;
finished = true; break;
case 3: e.retCode = adrCancelled;
finished = true; break;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
procedure TForm1.SignApiGetSignedDocHash(Sender: TObject; Hash: OleVariant;
out Data: OleVariant; out RetCode: Integer); var res: TSignProcessResult;
DataStr: String;
p: TWinControl;
res := sprError;
if StepOverSignatureDevice1.SetFinalDocumentHash(Hash) then begin if CheckBoxDisplayHashDialog.Checked then
p := Self
p := nil;
case GetSignedDocHashFromDevice(p, VariantToString(Hash), StepOverSignatureDevice1, DataStr) of
mrOk: begin
if Length(DataStr) > 0 then res := sprOk else res := sprError;
mrCancel: res := sprCancelled;
mrRetry: res := sprRepeat;
Data := StringToVariant(DataStr);
RetCode := Integer(res);
Private Sub signapi4_OnGetSignedDocHash(ByVal Hash As Object, ByVal Data As Object, ByVal RetCode As Long)
' return codes;
Dim adrOk As Integer
adrOk = 0
Dim adrError As Integer
adrError = 1
Dim adrCancelled As Integer
adrCancelled = 2
Dim adrRepeat As Integer
adrRepeat = 3
Dim finished As Boolean
finished = False
Dim status As Long
status = &H3
Do While (Not finished)
Data = mSignaturDevice.GetSignedDocHash(status)
' // Computation finished and OK pressed?
If status = &H11 Then
RetCode = adrOk
finished = True
End If
'// Cancel or repeat pressed?
Select Case (status And &HF)
Case 2
RetCode = adrRepeat
finished = True
Case 3
RetCode = adrCancelled
finished = True
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub signapi4_OnGetSignedDocHash(ByVal Hash As Variant, Data As Variant, RetCode As Long)
' return codes;
Dim adrOk As Integer
adrOk = 0
Dim adrError As Integer
adrError = 1
Dim adrCancelled As Integer
adrCancelled = 2
Dim adrRepeat As Integer
adrRepeat = 3
Dim finished As Boolean
sigdev.SetFinalDocumentHash (Hash)
finished = False
Dim status As Long
status = &H3
Do While (Not finished)
Data = sigdev.GetSignedDocHash(status)
' // Computation finished and OK pressed?
If status = &H11 Then
RetCode = adrOk
finished = True
End If '// Cancel or repeat pressed?
Select Case (status And &HF)
Case 2
RetCode = adrRepeat
finished = True
Case 3
RetCode = adrCancelled
finished = True
End Select
End Sub