NG REST-API - Service Description (English)

NG REST-API - Service Description (English)

Updated 17/06/2024 Version X.X

(1) Standard software

The Contractor shall provide the Client with the NG REST-API programming interface with associated documentation for integrators and programming examples in the agreed main version free of charge. In addition, the NG REST-API can also be tested via the Swagger interface of the signature pad.

(2) Type and scope of the service

The programming interface enables the client to capture advanced handwritten electronic signatures and embed them in PDF/a-compliant documents. When capturing advanced electronic signatures, the biometric data is securely encrypted. Among other things, a cross sum (hash) is calculated over the entire document, including signatures already made, which is used to determine the integrity of the document.

In addition, the configuration of the pad can be read and changed using the NG REST API.

(3) Functions

The NG REST-API offers functions that can be used for the automation of document workflow processes and integration into an existing external application. The functions listed here are not complete and are only described in very general terms:

  • Uploading documents

  • Upload of XML files containing a PDF document to be signed and instructions for finding signature positions

  • Control of the signature process

  • Downloading the signed documents

  • Communication with the secure NG Pad operating system

  • Display advertising videos and photos and much more

  • Read out and edit pad settings

To automate signature processes, the document must be transferred using XML (with corresponding workflow information) or a PDF document with existing digital signature fields.

(4) System architecture

NG REST-API is a programming interface that is independent of the operating system. Integration is possible via native and web applications and does not require any special StepOver components on the client computers.

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