function SetLcdButtonOptions(Button,Mode, Enabled,Visible, Color: Integer ) :integer; register;
int __stdcall SOPAD_function SetLcdButtonOptions(Button,Mode, Enabled,Visible, Color: Integer ) ;
function SetLcdButtonOptions(Button,Mode, Enabled,Visible, Color: Integer ) :integer; safecall;
The SetLcdButtonOptions function allows to enable predefined buttons for different pad modes. The buttons are only part of the Firmware of the colour devices, the B/W devices does not support this option.
Reference to button event handling: OnDeviceButton, OnDeviceButtonEx
the button ID ( more info)
Button code | description | DeviceSupport | mode=0 | mode=5 | mode=6 |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_ZOOM_P =200 | Zoom into Page | ColourPad, Flawless, Comfort, Brilliance, 10" Pad | - | yes | - |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_ZOOM_M =201 | Zoom out of Page | ColourPad, Flawless, Comfort, Brilliance, 10" Pad | - | yes | - |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_NEXT =202 | Next Page or Signature | ColourPad, Flawless, Comfort, Brilliance, 10" Pad | yes | yes | yes |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_PREV =203 | Previous Page or Signature | ColourPad, Flawless, Comfort, Brilliance, 10" Pad | yes | yes | yes |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_START_SIGN =204 | Start Sign from Pad | ColourPad, Flawless, Comfort, Brilliance, 10" Pad | - | yes | - |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_ROTATE =205 | Rotate Display (left / right hand mode) | ColourPad, Flawless, Comfort, Brilliance, 10" Pad | yes | yes | yes |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_OK =206 | Confirm the Signature | Brilliance, 10" Pad | yes | - | yes |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_REPEAT =207 | Repeat the Signature | Brilliance, 10" Pad | yes | - | yes |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_CANCEL =208 | Cancel the Signature | Brilliance, 10" Pad | yes | - | yes |
HID_CMD_BUTTON_ROTATE90 =209 | landscape or portrait mode ( GEN 13 PAD) | 10" Pad | yes | yes | yes |
0: default signature mode
5: Document view mode
6: sign in document mode
0: disable
1: enable
0 : not visible
1: visible
BGR color of the button, 32 Bit (TColor type in Delphi):
Bit 31 - 24 : 00h (all zero)
Bit 23 - 16 : Intensity of Blue
Bit 15 - 08 : Intensity of Green
Bit 07 - 00 : Intensity of Red
The value 00FF0000h represents full-intensity, pure blue.
The value 0000FF00h is full intensity pure green.
The value 000000FFh is pure red.
The value 00000000h is black.
The value 00FFFFFFh is white.
The default used color values are:
Blue = 00FF0000h
Green = 00369000h
Yellow = 0038CCF0h
Red = 001A00E2h
White = 00FFFFFFh
Grey = 00B5B5B5h
Return value
const SOPAD_ERROR_FNC_FAILURE = (12); // may be because ther is no signature device initialized
const SOPAD_ERROR_FNC_NOTSUPORTED = (13); //not suported for this signature device
if (devicetyp == "StepOver duraSign Pad Brilliance") { SigDev.OnDeviceButtonEx += new AxStepOverSignatureDevice1.IStepOverSignatureDeviceEvents_OnDeviceButtonExEventHandler(SigDev_OnDeviceButtonEx); // Colour in Red(0x000000FF), you can change the colour Blue(0x00FF0000), Green(0x0000FF00), Yellow(0x0000FFFF)... SigDev.SetLCDButtonOptions(206, 0, 1, 1, 0x0000FF00); SigDev.SetLCDButtonOptions(207, 0, 1, 1, 0x0000FFFF); SigDev.SetLCDButtonOptions(208, 0, 1, 1, 0x000000FF); } private void SigDev_OnDeviceButtonEx(object sender, AxStepOverSignatureDevice1.IStepOverSignatureDeviceEvents_OnDeviceButtonExEvent e) { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(e.buttonEvent >> 16); int Mode = Convert.ToInt32(e.buttonEvent << 16); // Check buttonID switch (ID) { case 206: // OK Button break; case 207: // Repeat Button break; case 208: // Abort Button break; } }