Delphi (DLL)
function RemovePadResourceFileByName(ResourceName: ShortString; WParam:DWORD; LParam:DWORD): integer; register;
C/C++ (DLL)
SOPAD_API int SOPAD_RemovePadResourceFileByName(char* ResourceName, long WParam, long LParam);
HRESULT _stdcall RemovePadResourceFileByName([in] BSTR ResourceName, [in] long WParam, [in] long LParam, [out, retval] long* Result);
UploadPadResourceFileByName uploads resource to pad file system. The upload is limited by the firmware to the following files.
Name | Extension | Description |
PromoScreenN (sample: PromoScreen1.soi, PromoScreen2.soi,...) | .soi / .img | The device can store 4 up to Promoscreens. They will be showed in a slideshow in order of the name. The PromoScreens are RLE Compressed Images. The Img format is outdated and is replaced by soi with newer Firmware versions. It´s possible that both extension types are stored on the device, in that case only the SOI will be used. |
PromoScreenNO | .soi | For the 10" pad you also need to upload the PromoScreen with orientations. For landscape (0/180°) you need extend the filename with an L (like PromoScreen1L.soi) and for portrait (90/270°) you need to extend the filename with an P (like PromoScreen1P.soi) |
PromoScreen.cfg | cfg | Config file for the PromoScreens which contains the delay options (not supported by Colour, Flawless and Comfort Pads) |
SignInfoBg (for 10" Device SignInfoBgL and SignInfoBgP has to use) | .soi / .img | Background image for the Standard Signature Mode (Fullscreen for Flawless/Comfort/Brilliance/10" and top of the Screen by ColourPad) |
SignInfoFg (for 10" Device SignInfoFgL and SignInfoFgP has to use) | .soi / .img | Foreground Image with the Flags + Texts, it´s transparent and alpha blending with the background image |
SignInput | .soi / .img | Background image for the input area of the StepOver Colour Pad (Standard-Signature Mode) |
ui* | * | The firmware also allows to other images in case the filename starts with ui* |
Name of the resource file you want to store on the device e.g. "PromoScreen1.soi"
0: resource will be handled as Image (supported image types: BMP, JPEG and PNG)
1: resource will be handeled as a binary/text file
Placeholder, no functionality yet
Location of the source file for the Upload
Return value
RemovePadResourceFileByName returns (SOPAD_ERROR_SUCCESS = 0) if it was possible to upload the resource to the signature device.
If uploading hasn't been started, function returns the appropriate error code. You can get extended error code with the help of GetSOPadError call.
Possible error codes are listed below: Driver error codes
See also
// remove the Promoscreen1 from the device string ImageOrientation = ""; int ImageNumber = 1; int uploadStatus = -1; // For 10 Ince Pad the PromoScreen needs the Orientation Info if (radioButton_Landscape.Checked && devStatus == deviceStatus.tenInchPad) ImageOrientation = "L"; else if (radioButton_Portait.Checked && devStatus == deviceStatus.tenInchPad) ImageOrientation = "P"; removeStatus = SigDev.RemovePadResourceFileByName("PromoScreen" + ImageNumber + ImageOrientation + ".soi", 1, 0);