function SetDriverString(Key: Integer; Value: PChar): Cardinal;
SOPAD_API void SOPAD_SetDriverString(DWORD dwKey, const char* szValue);
HRESULT SetDriverString([in] long Key, [in] BSTR Value);
This function sets string parameters of the driver.
Numerical value, must be equal to one of possible values from the table (see below).
String value which corresponds to the Key.
Possible combinations of key and value
Possible combinations of key and value are listed int the table.
Key | Value |
3 | XML certificate |
4 | Page number string (for color devices) |
5 | Device public key 1 |
6 | Name of resource which will be overridden by the next call of SetDriverBin, key=1 |
7 | Overrides device name |
8 | Overrides i18n variables (for internal use) |
9 | Set the Password for Virtual hosted WLAN (SMARTPhone with soWifiCom.dll ) . When using a empty string the password will be set automatically. |
10 | Set the SSID name for Virtual hosted WLAN (SMARTPhone with soWifiCom.dll ). When using a empty string the SSID will be set automatically. |
// Load driver-certificate (XML) to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application XmlDocument myXml = new XmlDocument(); myXml.Load(@"C:\temp\cert.xml"); SigDev.SetDriverString(3, myXml.InnerXml);
void CDeviceAPIDlg::OnBnClickedLoadDriverCert() { OPENFILENAME oFname; memset(&oFname, '\0', sizeof(oFname)); TCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy_s( &fileName[0], _countof(fileName), L"drivercert.xml",_TRUNCATE); DWORD dlgError = 0; TCHAR szDirPath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD nChars = GetModuleFileName( NULL, szDirPath, _countof(szDirPath) ); PathRemoveFileSpec(&szDirPath[0]); oFname.lpstrTitle = L"Open CERT XML-file"; oFname.lStructSize = sizeof(oFname); oFname.lpstrFile = fileName; oFname.nMaxFile = _countof(fileName); oFname.lpstrFilter = L"XML Cert files (*.xml)\0*.xml\0All files (*.*)\0*.*"; oFname.nFilterIndex = 2; oFname.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; oFname.hwndOwner = NULL; oFname.lpstrInitialDir = &szDirPath[0]; CString TitleText; GetWindowText(TitleText); MessageBox( L"to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application\nselect corresponding XML-Certificate\n\nmore infos at:\n https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate", TitleText , MB_OK|MB_ICONASTERISK); if (GetOpenFileName(&oFname)== TRUE) { // load driver-certificate (XML) char *strXML = NULL; LPWSTR lpwstrXML = NULL; CFile XMLfile ; if (XMLfile.Open( oFname.lpstrFile, CFile::modeRead)) { int len = (int) XMLfile.GetLength(); strXML = (char *) malloc(len+1); lpwstrXML = (LPWSTR) malloc((len+1) << 1); XMLfile.Read(strXML, len); XMLfile.Close(); strXML[len] = '\0'; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,(LPCSTR) strXML,len+1,lpwstrXML,len+1); SigDev.SetDriverString(DRIVER_STRING_XML_CERT,(LPCTSTR) lpwstrXML ); free(lpwstrXML); free(strXML); } else { /* * to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application more infos about that under: * https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate */ MessageBox( (LPCWSTR) L"Something went wrong see:\n https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate", TitleText , MB_OK|MB_ICONASTERISK); } } }
procedure TForm1.ButtonLoadDriverCERTClick(Sender: TObject); var ofd : TOpenDialog; fn : String; myXml : TXmlDocument; XMLText : String; begin ofd := TOpenDialog.Create(Self); ofd.FileName := 'drivercert.xml'; ofd.Filter := 'XML Cert files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*'; ofd.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); MessageBox(Self.Handle,('to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application'#13#10'select corresponding XML-Certificate'#13#10#13#10'more infos at:'#13#10' https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate'), PChar(Text), MB_OK); if ofd.Execute then begin fn := ofd.FileName; try // load driver-certificate (XML) myXml := TXmlDocument.Create(Self) ; myXml.LoadFromFile(fn); myXml.SavetoXML(XMLText); SigDev.SetDriverString(DRIVER_STRING_XML_CERT, Widestring(XMLText)); except (* * to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application more infos about that under: * https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate *) MessageBox(Self.Handle,PChar('Something went wrong see : https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate'), PChar(Text), MB_OK); end; end; end;
Private Sub LoadDriverCERT_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadDriverCERT.Click Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog() ofd.FileName = "drivercert.xml" ofd.Filter = "XML Cert files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*" ofd.InitialDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory MessageBox.Show("to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application" & vbCrLf & "select corresponding XML-Certificate"& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "more infos at:" & vbCrLf & "https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) if (ofd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) then Dim fn As String = ofd.FileName Try ' load driver-certificate (XML) Dim myXml As New XmlDocument() myXml.Load(fn) AxStepOverSignatureDevice1.SetDriverString(DRIVER_STRING_XML_CERT, myXml.InnerXml) Catch ' ' to avoid warning at the start about uncertified Application more infos about that under: ' https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate ' MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong see :" & vbCrLf & "https://www.stepoverinfo.net/confluence/display/SDDP/StepOver+XML+Certificate", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) End Try End If End Sub