


Branding file editor allows to customize text and images of eSignatureOffice, driver windows and registration window.

Start Branding.exe. The left pane displays possible elements that can be customized. In the bottom of the right pane a small text describes the purpose of selected tree item. Enter desired text and load images. To load an image, doulbe click in the right pane. LCD images must be 2-colored bitmaps (not grayscale).


  • For eSignatureOffice customization, branding file should be named SOSigOffice.sbf and placed into eSigOffice installation folder (by default "C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOfficeX\").
  • For device driver customization, branding file should be named default.sbf and placed into driver folder (by default "C:\Program Files\StepOver\driver\" or "C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOfficeX\driver").
  • For Register Dialog customization, branding file should be named StepOverRegisterEngine.sbf and placed into eSigOffice installation folder (by default "C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOfficeX\").

