

eSignatureOffice - Setup Parameter

Parameter Function


Overwrites a previously installed program so that the old one does not have to be uninstalled.


This parameter allows you to select the language in which the program is to be installed. The following options are available:

D, GB, ES, IT, PL, NL, F (for German, English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch and French).


Setup runs without user interaction (no questions are asked during installation), showing progress windows unless -silent is passed


No windows will be displayed during setup.


Specifies root installation folder. Default path value is "C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.X" or under 64Bit "C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.X"
-customer=Instructs installer to created a Customer Version (for using multiple Version on one system).

Install eSignatureOffice as local, TCP or Citrix Version, the following options are available:

local, citrix, tcp


Set path to where the Program.ini should be saved (for multi user Settings)

Examples:    -IniDir="C:\temp\eSignatureOffice 4\Settings"


Enables logging for the following components:  SOSigOffice.exe, SOWebSign.ocx, SOSecureSign.ocx, SOPAD.DLL, StepOverSignatureDevice1.ocx

(Logs will be saved to c:\temp\logs)

-noConverterUpdateBy default the new Installation of eSignatureOffice is set to start with a already installed PDF Converter, this parameter will prevent this and PDF Converter settings are not changed.
-confirmMessageA message at the end of the installation is shown that the installation was successfull. Works not in combination with -silent Parameter.
-desktopIconSetup creates a Desktop Icon for eSignatureOffice
-installSORootCAEnables the Installation of the StepOver ROOT CA, for checking the signature
-noOpenWithSetup will not add an Open with Entry for PDF documents in the contextmenü. By default the Setup add the Entry.
-noConverterSettingsSetup will not set it self for the PDF Converter, by default the Setup sets it self as application which will be started from the PDF Converter
-noMineTypeSetup will not register the eSO:// MineType
-noBonjourSetup will not install the Apple Bonjour Service which is required for signing with of Andriod and iOS devices
-createIPUpdateTaskSetup adds a Windows task which will update the Client Address inside the Config.ini which the user login (only for RemoteDesktop Connection)
-licserverIP=The licserverIP and the licserverPort parameter allow to set the address to an existing license server

eSignatureOffice6xxxxx.exe -overwrite -lang=D -unattended -silent
eSignatureOffice6xxxxx.exe -lang=GB -unattended -silent -customer=XYZ -connection=citrix

StepOver Tiff & PDF Converter - Setup Parameter 

Parameter Function


Overwrites a previously installed program so that the old one does not have to be uninstalled.


This parameter allows you to select the language in which the program is to be installed. The following options are available:

D, GB, ES, IT, PL, NL, F (for German, English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch and French).


Setup runs without user interaction (no questions are asked during installation), showing progress windows unless -silent is passed

Important: you need to select -pdf and/or -tiff otherwise no printer will be installed


No windows will be displayed during setup.


Specifies root installation folder. Default path value is "C:\Program Files\StepOver" or under 64Bit "C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver"
-customer=Instructs installer to created a Customer Version (for using multiple Version on one system).

Installs the PDF printer


 You can automatically Deinstall the Software by using the Deinstallation Files.

Run %WindowsFolder%\StepOver\%ProductName%\uninstall.exe
with parameters
"/U:%AppFolder%\eSignatureOffice6\Uninstall\uninstall.xml\" -unattended -noreboot -deinstallBonjour
"C:\Windows\StepOver\eSignatureOffice 7.0.0\uninstall.exe" "/U:C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\eSignatureOffice 7.0\Uninstall\uninstall-eso.xml" -unattended -noreboot -deinstallBonjour /s