eSignatureOffice - Setup Parameter
Parameter | Function |
-overwrite | Overwrites a previously installed program so that the old one does not have to be uninstalled. |
-lang= | This parameter allows you to select the language in which the program is to be installed. The following options are available: D, GB, ES, IT, PL, NL, F (for German, English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch and French). |
-unattended | Setup runs without user interaction (no questions are asked during installation), showing progress windows unless -silent is passed |
-silent | No windows will be displayed during setup. |
-path= | Specifies root installation folder. Default path value is "C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.X" or under 64Bit "C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.X" |
-customer= | Instructs installer to created a Customer Version (for using multiple Version on one system). |
-connection= | Install eSignatureOffice as local, TCP or Citrix Version, the following options are available: local, citrix, tcp |
-IniDir= | Set path to where the Program.ini should be saved (for multi user Settings) Examples: -IniDir="C:\temp\eSignatureOffice 4\Settings" |
-logs | Enables logging for the following components: SOSigOffice.exe, SOWebSign.ocx, SOSecureSign.ocx, SOPAD.DLL, StepOverSignatureDevice1.ocx (Logs will be saved to c:\temp\logs) |
-noConverterUpdate | By default the new Installation of eSignatureOffice is set to start with a already installed PDF Converter, this parameter will prevent this and PDF Converter settings are not changed. |
-confirmMessage | A message at the end of the installation is shown that the installation was successfull. Works not in combination with -silent Parameter. |
-desktopIcon | Setup creates a Desktop Icon for eSignatureOffice |
-installSORootCA | Enables the Installation of the StepOver ROOT CA, for checking the signature |
-noOpenWith | Setup will not add an Open with Entry for PDF documents in the contextmenü. By default the Setup add the Entry. |
-noConverterSettings | Setup will not set it self for the PDF Converter, by default the Setup sets it self as application which will be started from the PDF Converter |
-noMineType | Setup will not register the eSO:// MineType |
-noBonjour | Setup will not install the Apple Bonjour Service which is required for signing with of Andriod and iOS devices |
-createIPUpdateTask | Setup adds a Windows task which will update the Client Address inside the Config.ini which the user login (only for RemoteDesktop Connection) |
-licserverIP= | The licserverIP and the licserverPort parameter allow to set the address to an existing license server |
-licserverPort= |
eSignatureOffice6xxxxx.exe -overwrite -lang=D -unattended -silent eSignatureOffice6xxxxx.exe -lang=GB -unattended -silent -customer=XYZ -connection=citrix
StepOver Tiff & PDF Converter - Setup Parameter
Parameter | Function |
-overwrite | Overwrites a previously installed program so that the old one does not have to be uninstalled. |
-lang= | This parameter allows you to select the language in which the program is to be installed. The following options are available: D, GB, ES, IT, PL, NL, F (for German, English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch and French). |
-unattended | Setup runs without user interaction (no questions are asked during installation), showing progress windows unless -silent is passed Important: you need to select -pdf and/or -tiff otherwise no printer will be installed |
-silent | No windows will be displayed during setup. |
-path= | Specifies root installation folder. Default path value is "C:\Program Files\StepOver" or under 64Bit "C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver" |
-customer= | Instructs installer to created a Customer Version (for using multiple Version on one system). |
Installs the PDF printer |
You can automatically Deinstall the Software by using the Deinstallation Files.
Run %WindowsFolder%\StepOver\%ProductName%\uninstall.exe with parameters "/U:%AppFolder%\eSignatureOffice6\Uninstall\uninstall.xml\" -unattended -noreboot -deinstallBonjour
"C:\Windows\StepOver\eSignatureOffice 7.0.0\uninstall.exe" "/U:C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\eSignatureOffice 7.0\Uninstall\uninstall-eso.xml" -unattended -noreboot -deinstallBonjour /s