


sigFileXml(var Xml: WideString; out Error: Integer); safecall;


This function executes eSignatureOffice with  parameters defined by XML file.  XML file structure is defined in additional HTML file. If overlapped mode is requested in XML, the function returns immediately, otherwise it doesn't return until eSigOffice window is closed.

After the function is exsecuted, Error contains execution result:   0 - success, 1 - another instance is already running. In case other errors occur during execution, EOleSysError (C-counterpart is _com_error) exception is thrown.

After successful execution, Xml variable is updated with actual metadata and modified PDF file.

It is possible to run eSignatureOffice in overlapped mode using this function (please refer to Xml documenation to learn how to turn overlapped mode on). In this mode application should call handleMessages and terminate functions.