7. Startparameter

7. Startparameter

To start  eSignatureSuite  from another application you must call up the file "SOSigOffice.exe". You can transfer different parameters to this file when calling it up, the order of the Parameter doesn´t matter.

If you don’t know in which directory  eSignatureSuite  is located, you can find the save location with the following registry entry:

(under 64Bit:  HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\eSignatureSuite X.XX\PATH )

Display & Design




If you don’t start eSignatureSuite  in full screen mode, here you can define the xcoordinates

to determine the preferred position of eSignatureSuite when running.



If you don’t start eSignatureSuite  in full screen mode, here you can define the ycoordinates

to determine the preferred position of eSignatureSuite when running.


If you don’t start eSignatureSuite  in full screen mode, here you can define the width to determine

the preferred position of eSignatureSuite when running.



If you don’t start eSignatureSuite  in full screen mode, here you can define the height to determine

the preferred position of eSignatureSuite when running.






Allows you to use the “old” window design, which is necessary for some of the Display&Design Parameters.

"-gm0" = traditional

"-gm1" = traditional minimalistic

"-gm2" = classic

"-gm3" = classic reduced

"-gm4" = New GUI (Eso V5.x)



The window frame will be hidden. (only working with OLD GUI, see -gm0)


When opening an application - be it manually, transferring via the Tiff & PDF converter
or by starting eSignatureSuite through the parameter "eSOSigOffice.exe" from
another application - a window will appear for a short time which signals to the user
that eSignatureSuite has started running. You can hide the start window using the
command “-hidestartwin".
The button "Signature Mode” will not be displayed.
The button "Support" in the Info-Form will not be displayed.
The support form is displayed right after start and load of command line documents (for "Mail to Support")



hides the title of the sign office





This option only has effects on the “old” window design i.e. if the “new
window design” has been deactivated.
Different menus can be deactivated via "deactivateXXXX" i.e. they will be hidden. This
way, certain functions can be rendered inaccessible to the user.

The four “x” after the word “deactivate” stand for in this sequence:
1. The main menu right at the top of the window
2. The logo banner below the file menu
3. The toolbar with the zoom buttons below the logo banner
4. The menu bar on the right with the buttons for the different modes (signature mode etc.)

In order to deactivate one of the above-mentioned menus, place a 1 at the
corresponding position in order to have it displayed a 0. The command Deactivate1001
deactivates the main menu and the button on the right in eSignatureSuite.
Deactivate1111 deactivates all four menu bars. The deactivated menu bars will also be
hidden. If the right menu bar is deactivated, the buttons needed for signing will be
displayed beneath the document. If using the command Deactivate1111, only the
displayed document will appear in a window on the screen as well as the buttons
“Signature Mode”, “OK”, “Cancel” and “Repeat”, or if necessary “Skip” and “Back”.
Despite this, you can use all functions, such as signature sets and macro buttons triggered
by signature sets.



Using this parameter you can specify the document zoom when starting the program.

"10" ... "300" = Zoom in percent

"fit" or "f" or "0" = that means fit to screen or
"width" or "w" = that means fit to page width.


Using this parameter you can specify the document zoom after signing (even when canceling.

"10" ... "300" = Zoom in percent

"fit" or "f" or "0" = that means fit to screen or
"width" or "w" = that means fit to page width

'k' or 'keep' or Empty string when no change should occur - the zoom before starting the signature is used


Defines zoom value on the (Colour) Device when document view is enabled at startup. Value in range 0..2,

0 = Fit to Width

1 = Fit to LCD (complete Page)

2 = maximal possible Zoom on Device

start the application minimized

re-enables the dialog to pre-define and edit Corner-Patterns.

If a pre-defined Corner-Pattern is defined in SSS this function is always used

in the search for the edges of the signature-field


no SSS file selection possible in new GUI
no Toolbox-Menu for SSS file creation/change/directory set

hides SSS file selection and Menu for SSS

enables the button for manual device search inside the administration. This button is only necessary if you using a very old com device.

in signature mode, when scrolling inside the document, the signature field rectangle is centered if a timeout or the user starts to sign.

This behavior is unwanted when using MsInkPads or Tablets.

With this parameter the centering is prohibited if signature rectangle is visible on monitor completely.

Disable scrolling in eSignatureSuite while signature mode

Behaviour or basic settings

ParameterValues Info
-lang=<Ing>D,GB, ES, NL, PL, F, IT, USThis command allows you to set the eSignatureSuite language automatically.



The parameter SaveDoc is delivered to eSignatureSuite by e.g. the StepOver PDF Converter. eSignatureSuite then assumes that the opened PDF file is a temporary file and will accordingly ask upon closing the application whether the file should be saved, even if it has not been changed. Clicking the "Save" button once will in this case result in "Save As ..." Dialogue.
This command is relevant if a signed document is to be saved automatically with a macro button. This can be done either by activating a visible macro button or through an invisible button that will be activated automatically by a signature set after signing. With the help of this command you can now change the file name to which the signed
document is to be saved. The parameter then changes the file name of the original or, if necessary, the name that was indicated during configuration of the macro button under "after copying change file name to ".
If eSignatureSuite is always in the foreground while the program runs, you can access this function through the parameter “-stayontop”. Thus other opening applications always remain in the background. eSignatureSuite can now only be minimised by clicking “Minimise” in the box top right.




local path or url

A StepOver Configuration Set file (*.scs) is one that can contain all eSignatureSuite settings e.g. settings for macro buttons, user rights, or for security & Key Management, etc. Please refer to the chapter "eSignatureSuite Administration" Export settings An *.scs file delivered as start parameter will immediately import to the
user without an enquiry, as opposed to the command [Options |Import].

It´s possible to provide a multiple SCS Version as Startparameter, in that case the Versionnumber needs to be added like:

 -scs="122|C:\config.scs" "135|C:\config.scs" "139|C:\config.scs" -scs="C:\config.scs"

  • In case the Version number is higher than the actual installation the SCS will be ignored
  • If there are more than 1 possible SCS, the highest supported Version will be used
  • In case the eSignatureSuite Version is older than August 2017 (eSignatureSuite 5.4), the Version specific SCS Version will be ignored (no support for Version specific SCS handover).
Using this parameter, it is possible to start several instances of eSignatureSuite at once.
Ensures that no information is saved above the signature characters in the PDF, thus reducing the file size. 
Ensures that no biometric data is saved to the signature in the PDF or TIFF document. Within the document, only the signature image is saved. This also reduces the file size slightly after signature. The command “nobiodata” contains nodrawdata.
-pdfnobiodata=local path

saves the biodata free version of the PDF into the local file. This file is not erased at end of application.

-df=integerThis command is also used to reduce the file size; to do so, each N measuring point of the signature is ignored. With the indication “-df=5”, every fifth dot on the signature image is not registered. With the indication “-df=2”, for example, only half of all measuring points would be analysed.
-page=<pagenumber>integerThis command enables you to indicate the page which is to be displayed on the opened PDF.
The print dialogue box opens straight after starting eSignatureSuite.
-dkf=StringThis command allows you to set the pad type to be used. At the present time, the two indications "-dkf=naturaSignPad" or "-dkf=nsp" are possible. These can be used to limit usage on the naturaSign Pad.
prevents the pad from displaying the document
enables the skip and abort at last signature
Enable Pad Open check
-brightness=integerset brightness of pad (0-100) f.e. "-brightness=40"

Rotate all pages in the PDF document right 90 degrees.

Please be aware, that this parameter will be ignored, if there are already any digital signatures within the document! Otherwise, these signatures would be invalidated due to the changed PDF structure!


rotate all pages clockwise in the PDF document by <Degree> could be 90,180 or 270

"-rotate=90" is the same as "-rotate"

Please be aware, that this parameter will be ignored, if there are already any digital signatures within the document! Otherwise, these signatures would be invalidated due to the changed PDF structure!

Custom Device Certificate (CDC)

ParameterValues Info
-cdc=local path or urlFilename of the Certificate to use as CDC
-cdcpw=stringPassword used to access the Certificate(s) in the file, omit if not used.

Definition of Public Key Alias (if more than one certificates in file), omit if not used

-cdcprivka=stringDefinition of Private Key Alias (if more than one certificates in file), omit if not used

Workflow Integration

ParameterValues Info



(Form Field Filler File)

local path or url

Such a file contains the names of the form fields of a PDF file that are to be filled in, as well as their value or text. During start-up, eSignatureSuite automatically fills in the PDF’s form fields and shows the filled-out PDF file. Specifying a *.fff-file only makes sense in connection with specifying the corresponding PDF file. This *.fff-file is constructed like an INI file and consists of field name = field content, the "header" is called fields.

You can get more Infos about the FFF file here.



(StepOver Signature Set File)

local path or url

If a StepOver signature set is transferred, it is activated as soon as the user switches to signature mode. This means that he/she can first look at the document in peace and start signing after switching to signature mode.

You can get more Infos about the SSS file here.



(return file)

local path

(only in connection with the specification of a signature set file)

If you would like to know which signature fields the user has filled out, or whether he/she has cancelled the signature process, you can specify the path to a *.ret file as a further parameter. This is newly created by eSignatureSuite . eSignatureSuite enters here which signature fields have been signed. A *.ret file is constructed like a INI file.

You can read more about the RET file here.



(only in connection with the specification of a signature set file).

If you wish the user to access signature mode automatically after starting eSignatureSuite and immediately be able to start signing, you must deliver the additional parameter "autostartsig". No use of signature group

-autostartsig=group name

(only in connection with the specification of a signature set file).

If you wish the user to access signature mode automatically after starting eSignatureSuite and immediately be able to start signing, you must deliver the additional parameter "autostartsig". The signature group with the name "group name" is used, if white space are present in the name, surround with double-quotes

f.e. -autostartsig="Group Name"


If you wish the user to access the PDF form mode automatically after starting eSignatureSuite and thus be able to start filling in form fields immediately, you must deliver the additional parameter "autostartpdf". The parameter "autostartpdf" disables some Buttons like Viewmode and Administration.
only activates form fill mode, without disabling other functionality (other than "autostartpdf" Parameter")
automatic start of macro (sample -autostartmacro1 .... -autostartmacro10)
It is automatically saved when closing the document.



(PDF File)

local path or urlPDF file delivered as a starting parameter will be displayed immediately after start-up in eSignatureSuite.





local path or url

XMLfile delivered as a starting parameter will be displayed the PDF inside it immediately after start-up in eSignatureSuite.

You can read more about the Input-XML file here.



local path or urlcompressed file
If access to eSignatureSuite (optional "safety feature") is password-protected, then this can be delivered within the frame of an automated signature procedure with a command line.


(N is a integer value)


This Parameter allows you to Input Varlaible into  eSignatureSuite  which can be used for Macro functionality or the Stamp. You can find more Details /wiki/spaces/PESO/pages/79200286.


search history is added to RET file and/or XML Output

reactivate manual device search button in Administration / General tab

Automatic SSS-File Selection

See also Automatic SSS file selection

 ParameterValues Info

controls the behavior of automatic file selection.

0 = Off

1 = Ask user

2 = Always select


controls the usage of found SSS-files for document

0 = always use first document

1 = Ask User if more than one SSS-file is found

DigSig Fields

 ParameterValues Info


controls the behavior of automatic DigSig field usage.

0 = Off

1 = Ask user

2 = Always use

-adsdefault=local SSS-fileDefault SSS-file settings
-adspreview= 0,1

controls the clickability of the digsig fields in preview of document

0 = No click

1 = Yes, you could click onto an digsig field in preview and the corresponding DigSig field signing is activated


controls the clickability of the digsig fields in the document view area

0 = No click

1 = Yes, you could click onto an digsig field in document view and the corresponding DigSig field signing is activated


controls the double-clickability of the digsig fields in the signature panel

0 = No double-click

1 = Yes, you could double-click onto an digsig field in signatures panel and the corresponding DigSig field signing is activated


controls the (double-)clickability of the digsig fields in the signature panel, view area and preview

0 = No (double-)click

1 = Yes, you could (double-)click onto an digsig field in document view, preview and signatures panel and the corresponding DigSig field signing is activated


controls direct click onto a digsig field inside preview/document view

0 = do not sign

1 = ask user

2 = always sign


Capitalisation or use of small letters as well as the sequence in which you deliver the parameters is not important.  eSignatureSuite  will allocate them accordingly. Some functions/settings of the explained starting parameters can also be found under the Administration (or Startmanager.exe). However, it is essential to work with start parameters if  eSignatureSuite  is started from different applications and is to display different features.


It is advisable to deliver the individual start parameters within quotation marks as path indications may also contain spaces.

C:\Program Files (x86)\eSignatureSuite 5.0\SOSigOffice.exe "SaveDoc" "C:\Config.scs" "C:\My Testfiles\Test.pdf" "C:\Signaturset.sss" "C:\Form.fff" "C:\My Testfiles\Return.ret" "-autostartsig" "deactivate0110" "-page=3" 

C:\Program Files (x86)\eSignatureSuite 5.0\SOSigOffice.exe  "C:\My Testfiles\Test.pdf" "C:\Signaturset.sss"


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