FFF file structure
FFF file structure
FFF file is used to fill in PDF form fields automatically when opening PDF document(s). FFF-file name must be passed in command line together with PDF file name(s). Example:
SOSigOffice.exe document1.pdf document2.pdf Values.fff
Below is a sample of FFF file:
[Fields] Title="Annual report" [Fields1] Company=StepOver Street=Otto-Hirsch-Brücken 17 City=Stuttgart [Fields2] FirstName=Yury LastName=Astashonok
eSignatureOffice opens the first PDF document from command line (in the example above it is document1.pdf) and fills in field values of the first document using the entries from [Fields1] section. Then it takes the next, second, file (in the example it is document2.pdf) and fills in field values of the second file using the entries from [Fields2] section.
Additionally, entries from [Fields] section are applied for each document.
There may be any number of PDF files and [Fields<n>] sections. Be aware that the different PDF Documents will be merged into one File.
Each section entry has Name=Value format, where Name is PDF field name and Value is the text, that should be written in appropriate field. Value can be either simple text string or UTF-8 encoded string. UTF-8 encoded strings should begin with 0xef, 0xbb or 0xbf symbols.