RET file structure

RET file structure

RET file structure

General information

RET file is created by eSignatureOffice when user signs a document with a signature set. RET-file name must be passed in command line together with signature set file name (*.sss). RET file doesn't contain information about either manually added signatures, or signature sets invoked from eSignatureOffice panel.

SOSigOffice.exe Document.pdf File.ret Sign.sss

Creation of RET file

If eSignatureOffice receives ret file name in a command-line parameter, it deletes existing ret file with the same name during initialization. New ret file is created when a signature set is started. If eSignatureOffice is terminated without starting the signature set, then ret file is not created.

RET file content

Below is a sample of RET file:










  StartTime=13.06.2011 19:25:55

  StopTime=13.06.2011 19:26:13






  StartTime=13.06.2011 19:26:19

  StopTime=13.06.2011 19:26:21

Fields and values of the [Main] section:

Signed – '1' if the document is signed with at least one signature, '0' otherwise.

FieldsNumber – the total number of [FieldXX] sections, it's equal to number of fields in a signature set.

AllFieldsSignedAndSaved – '1' if all fields in a signature set were signed and then document was saved, '0' otherwise.

ManualFieldsNumber - the amount of manual signature which where added after all SSS Signatures

Fields and values of a [FieldN] section:

Valid – '1' if the field is correctly defined, in particular have correct dimensions (more than 3x3 pixels), '0' otherwise.

Signed – '1' if the field was signed, '0' if not.

Saved – '1' if the document was saved after the field had been signed, '0' otherwise.

Manual – '1' if the field was a manual signature, '0' if signature was defined inside SSS

Stamp – '1' if the signature was a Stamp, '0' otherwise.

SearchText – if signature field is intelligent field, then the SearchText entry contains search keyword. This entry may be missing if signature field is a fixed field.

StartTime – start time of the signing process for the signature field.

StopTime – stop time of the signing process for the signature field.

DeviceSerial - Serial number of signing pad

StampFilename - Path to the Image which was used as Stamp

PageNr - Pagenumber where this signature was added

Position - Position where the signature was added (in PDF pixel)

Fields and values of a [Errors] section (if there are errors)

DriverError<Number> – Number from 0 to 255, value always true.

Fields and values of a [MacroHistory] section (always)

Count – Number of Makrobuttonshistory.

Event<Number> – Number from 1 to Count of Makrobuttonshistory, Value is Macrobuttonindex from 1 to 10

Fields and values of a [SearchN] section:

Found – '1' if the search is found, '0' if no search or not found. '2' if text is changed manually. '3' if changed by default text

 Text – String which is searched.

 Stop – Stop-Text .

 Used – String which is used (found, manual input or default)

 Time – Search Time/Date

Note: This feature requires the -addsearchhistory as Startprameter of eSignatureOffice

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