The settings for the SEH USB-Server can be stored inside the registry, this will overwrite any settings from the Administration. The priority is HKLM / HKCU / Administration.
If you want to set for every User the same Settings you have to store the settings under HKLM:
If you want for every user a different setting, you need to store if under HKCU
Value | Typ | Example value | Description |
| String | C:\Program Files\SEH Computertechnik GmbH\SEH UTN Manager\utnm.exe | Path to the utnm.exe from SEH, which will be used by eSignatureOffice |
| String | | IP Adresse of the USB-Server |
| DWORD | 1 | The port from the USB-Server where the signature pad is connected |
| DWORD | 1 | Defines when the connection should be established 0 = no connection 1 = start of eSignatureOffice 2 = open the document 3 = before the signature |
| DWORD | 1 | Defines when the connection should be stopped 0 = no stopp of the connection 1 = closing of eSignatureOffice 2 = closing the document 3 = after the signature |
"Filename"="C:\\Program Files\SEH Computertechnik GmbH\SEH UTN Manager\utnm.exe"