ImageLoader - Parameters

ImageLoader - Parameters

Supported Devices

naturaSign Pad Colour

naturaSign Pad Flawless/Comfort

duraSign Pad Brilliance

duraSign Pad 10.0

Command Line Parameter

The command line parameter are case insensitive, so "-replace" is the same as "-RePlace" or "-REPLACE"



Used to replace single image files without touching the other ones. Works also if the target image is not on the device, yet. Has to be followed by any of the file name parameters (e.g. Promoscreen or SignInfoBG)

ImageLoader.exe -replace Promoscreen1=c:\test\Image1.png
ImageLoader.exe -replace Promoscreen1=c:\test\Image1.png Promoscreen2=c:\test\Image1.png

Used to update the whole package of images currently on the device. Basically, it will delete all promo images and will reset the signing background to the default version and only upload the files, which you provide after the parameter.

Has to be followed by any of the file name parameters (e.g. Promoscreen or SignInfoBG). Without providing any of these parameters, all images will be removed.

ImageLoader.exe -update 
ImageLoader.exe -update Promoscreen1=c:\test\Image1.png


<Brightness> 0 .. 100

Used to set the brightness of the device display.

  • 0 = display off
  • 100 = max display brightness

ImageLoader.exe vBrightness=0


<Nr> 1 .. 4

<Filename> filename of picture

Used to provide the path for each promo image. Up to 4 images can be uploaded and they have to be named accordingly. This parameter can be used multiple times in one command line call.

Supported image formats are PNG, JPG/JPEG and BMP. If the aspect ratio is not matching the display size the remaining background will be coloured black.

With the duraSign Pad 10.0 this parameter is used for the landscape format pictures.

ImageLoader.exe -replace Promoscreen1=c:\test\Image1.png
ImageLoader.exe -replace Promoscreen1=c:\test\Image1.png Promoscreen2=c:\test\Image1.png


<Nr> 1 .. 4

<Filename> filename of picture

Used to upload promo images in the portrait orientation when using the duraSign Pad 10.0.

Supported image formats are PNG, JPG/JPEG and BMP. If the aspect ratio is not matching the display size the remaining background will be coloured black.

ImageLoader.exe -replace PromoscreenP1=c:\test\Image1.png
ImageLoader.exe -replace PromoscreenP1=c:\test\Image1.png PromoscreenP2=c:\test\Image1.png
ImageLoader.exe -replace Promoscreen1=c:\test\Image1.png PromoscreenP1=c:\test\Image1.png PromoscreenP2=c:\test\Image1.jpg


<Filename> filename of picture

Used to upload the background image of the default signature mode. To revert to the default image, use the -update parameter without providing a new image.

Supported image formats are PNG, JPG/JPEG and BMP. If the aspect ratio is not matching the display size the remaining background will be coloured black.

ImageLoader.exe -replace SignInfoBg=c:\test\Image1.png


<Filename> filename of picture

Used to upload the background image of the default signature mode in portrait orientation when using the duraSign Pad 10.0. To revert to the default image, use the -update parameter without providing a new image.

Supported image formats are PNG, JPG/JPEG and BMP. If the aspect ratio is not matching the display size the remaining background will be coloured black.

ImageLoader.exe -replace SignInfoBgP=c:\test\Image1.bmp


<Filename> filename of picture

Used to change the background of the signing area (background's lower part) when using the default signature mode with the naturaSign Pad Colour.

Supported image formats are PNG, JPG/JPEG and BMP. If the aspect ratio is not matching the display size the remaining background will be coloured black.

ImageLoader.exe -replace SignInput=c:\test\Image1.bmp


<Waittime> 5 .. n

Used to set the display time for a specific promoscreen (minimum value is 5 sec). The number of the promotimer corresponds directly to the number of the promoscreen.

ImageLoader.exe -replace SignInput=c:\test\Image1.bmp Promotime1=10


<Waittime> 5 .. n

Used to set the display time for a specific promoscreen in the portrait orientation of the duraSign Pad 10.0 (minimum value is 5 sec). The number of the promotimer corresponds directly to the number and orientation of the promoscreen.

Promoconfig=<filename><Filename> filename of config

Used to upload a config file with the display timings of all promoscreens. The file has to be named "PromoScreen.cfg"

Here is an example file: PromoScreen.cfg

The Multi parameter allows starting multiple instances of the ImageLoader simultaneously or to run the ImageLoader while any other StepOver application is already running. But please be aware, that this is generally not recommended because multiple communication attemps with the pad at the same time but frorm different sources can severely interfer with its functionality!
In case the ImageLoader is started while any other StepOver application is already running, the start of the ImageLoader will fail with an Error Message. The parameter NoMultiMSG will suppress this message.
@<filename><filename> filename of Textfile with the used parameters.

Instead of writing all parameters in a long command line, you can also write all parameters in a textfile and call this textfile as parameter, which in turn calls all parameters inside this file.

One commandline parameter per line!

Only standard Windows *.txt file extension allowed!

UseDir=<directory><directory> path to images to transfer to device

This parameter allows to synchronize the files from any folder with the connected device. The naming of the files should be Promoscreen1(.jpg/png/bmp) , ... , PromoScreen4 and/or respectively PromoscreenP1, ... , PromoscreenP4, SignInput, SignInfoBG, SignInfoBGP

Please be aware, that the duraSign Pad 10.0 differentiates between...

  • Promoscreen1(.jpg/png/bmp) --> landscape orientation
  • PromoscreenP1(.jpg/png/bmp) --> portrait orientation

ImageLoader.exe -update UseDir="c:\temp\Images"
ImageLoader.exe -replace UseDir="\\Server\folder" 
DeviceSubDirWorks only in combination with UseDir

In case you are using different device types you can use the DeviceSubDir parameter to extend the previously defined UseDir folder with a device specific subfolder.

These device specific subfolders have to be created manually. Then the ImageLoader will check the connected device, go to the coresponding subfolder and use the image files found there.

Device typeSubfolder name

naturaSign Pad Colour

naturaSign Pad Flawless/ComfortG8
duraSign Pad BrillianceG12
duraSign Pad 10.0G13
ImageLoader.exe UseDir=c:\test DeviceSubDir
in that case the device specific folders must be c:\test\G6, c:\test\G8, c:\test\G12, c:\test\G13
Do not show messages in command line (old compatible mode).

If "-replace" or "-update" is used, the ImageLoader GUI is not shown, but if the application is started via command line, then additional explanatory or resulting messages will be shown.

If neither "-replace" nor "-update" are given in the command line, the other parameters are still checked.

The parameter "-replace" is automatically added, if one of the following parameters is used without also defining either "-replace" or "-update".

  • UseDir
  • vBrightness
  • Promoconfig
  • Promoscreen
  • Promotime
  • PromoscreenP
  • PromotimeP
  • SigninfoBG
  • SignInfoBGP
  • SignInfoInput


The following return errorcodes are used, when ImageLoader 2.0 is used with Command line parameters

-1EXIT_CODE_UNKNOWNunknown / illegal ExitCode (should never be returned)
0EXIT_CODE_SUCCEEDFile transfer successful
1EXIT_CODE_NOPADAfter a certain timeout the pad is still not found
2EXIT_CODE_PARAMETERParameter erroneus
3EXIT_CODE_USERABORTUser aborted the file transfer
5EXIT_CODE_NO_FREE_MEMNot enough free memory left on pad
7EXIT_CODE_PAD_OPENEDPad was opened and is unuseable / Error 7
8EXIT_CODE_MORE_DEVICESMore than one device detected, no action is taken.
9EXIT_CODE_FILE_ERRORFilename has unknown file extension, filename is not existing or file is erroneous

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