DisplacementTLIndex, FeldPositionIndex and Offset

DisplacementTLIndex, FeldPositionIndex and Offset

If the placement is based on 1 searchtext, there are additional information like size, placement to the keyword and offset required.

The size is based on the width and height in cm.

The placement of the signature field around the keyword is based on 2 values.

The rectangle of the signature field and of the keyword is divided into 9 position points.

DisplacementTLIndex are the points of the Signature field and FeldPositionIndex of the keyword.

For the placement you need to define the 2 points, where the signature field and the keyword lie on top of each other.

Here are some samples:

In case an offset between the keyword and the signature field is required, you can use Offset_X and Offset_Y to move the signature field a bit.

Positive values move the field to the right / bottom, negative values to the left / top.

Sample XMLs:



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