eSignatureOffice Setup Parameter

eSignatureOffice Setup Parameter

Setup Parameter

You can use the following start parameter for the setup of eSignatureOffice.

Setup Parameter


This parameter allows you to select the language in which the program is to be installed. The following options are available:

Italian = "IT"

Polish = "PL"

Dutch = "NL"

English = "GB"

Spanish = "ES"

French = "FR"

"-path=c:\.......... "

Specifies root installation folder. Default path value is "C:\Program Files\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.X" or under 64Bit "C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.X"


Overwrites a previously installed program so that the old one does not have to be uninstalled.


Install eSignatureOffice as local, TCP or Citrix Version, the following options are available:

local, citrix, tcp

If you don´t use this parameter, the setup will install the local option.


No windows will be displayed during setup.


Setup runs without user interaction (no questions are asked during installation), showing progress windows unless -silent is passed


Setup will not restart the system (obsolete parameter)


Set path to where the Program.ini should be saved (for multi-user settings)

Examples:    -IniDir="C:\temp\eSignatureOffice 4\Settings"


Enables logging for the following components:  SOSigOffice.exe, SOWebSign.ocx, SOSecureSign.ocx, SOPAD.DLL, StepOverSignatureDevice1.ocx

(Logs will be saved to c:\temp\logs)


eSignatureOffice5xxxxx.exe -overwrite -lang=D -unattended -silent -path="c:\Test\eSignatureOffice"


 You can automatically deinstall the StepOver Software by using the uninstaller files.

Run %WindowsFolder%\StepOver\%ProductName%\uninstall.exe
with parameters
"/U:%AppFolder%\eSignatureOfficeX\Uninstall\uninstall.xml\" -unattended -noreboot
"C:\Windows\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.Y\uninstall.exe" "/U:C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\eSignatureOffice X.Y\Uninstall\uninstall.xml" -unattended -noreboot